26th Week in Ordinary Time

The 26th week in Ordinary Time at St. Peter’s Primary School began with whole school worship with the Gospel reading from Luke 16 ‘Lazarus and the Rich Man’. Year Five have been thinking about the goodness that God values in us and were able to make suggestions about the meaning of this parable. They suggested that rather than valuing material possessions God values qualities in us such as being kind, honest, humble, forgiving and gentle.
Year One had their first year group liturgy this week. They were joined by many parents and Fr. Vitalis helped them to understand the story of Creation. It was a beautiful liturgy with all children and adults involved in prayer and making promises to look after God’s Creation.

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Many Year groups are learning about other faiths this week. Year 3 are finding out all about the Hindu story of creation. Year 2 are learning about the Jewish festival of Sukkot and what a Sukkah is used for and what it represents.

Please visit soon. We have our Harvest celebration coming up. CAFOD volunteers will be coming in to lead worship next Friday (7th October) and the day before we will be raising money for CAFOD through their Wear It Bright campaign. All children are invited to wear bright clothes that day (6th October) and make a donation of £1 or more. Each Year group will be contacting you soon to let you know what they as a year group will be doing in addition to this to raise money for CAFOD. We have money boxes that should be coming home to each family soon; perhaps children could earn a small amount of money by doing ‘jobs’ around the home or for other family members.

God bless,

Sarah Luter

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