Monthly Archives: May, 2020

VE Day Celebrations Home Learning

Many thanks and a big well done to all the children who took part in the history home learning this week and sent me photos.

Here is the wonderful work that I would like to share with you all.

Bella in Year One worked hard to design her own medals.

Johan in Year Three read up on what it was like for the soldiers on VE Day and wrote his own incredible newspaper report on it.

Darcy in Year Two made a postcard to one of her family members to welcome them back from the war. Darcy wanted to include her great nan’s pub in the picture “The water rat pub” that she had on the Kings Road Chelsea. She has been speaking to her nan about how they celebrated people coming home and she said they used to play the piano outside pubs.

Islwyn in Year Six and Mostyn in Year Three both got into role and created this great video to show a news reporter interviewing a soldier. Here is the YouTube video link below.


Max in Year Four got into role and did a fantastic recording on what he felt when he heard the news on the end of the war.


Oliver in Year Four has completed some wonderful work on VE Day. He sewed on his own VE Day Scout badge. Oliver also made cakes and produced an interview of a soldier.

Here are Oliver’s recordings of his interview:

Phoebe in Year One drew her own medal and coloured one in.  She also watched a video clip about end of the war with Winston Churchill speech and the King and Queen coming out on the balcony at Buckingham palace.

Alfie in Year Five wrote a great newspaper article about VE Day interviewing Private Joe.

Amelia in Year One designed her own fabulous VE Day medal.

Josh in Year Six wrote his own great newspaper article.

Emeilia in Year Four wrote this fantastic newspaper report.

Reuben in Year R carefully thought about the colours he needed to use to decorate this union jack bunting.

Frankie in Year Two watched the video on the BBC website. He then coloured in this medal for all the people that went to war.

Alana in Year Four got into role and created this video interview about how she felt about the victory. She even showed some pictures of her great grandad who fought in the war.

Grace in Year R has created her own fantastic medal.

Kiean in Year R enjoyed preparing for VE Day and made some bunting using a balloon to make poppies. He made a tank using recycled boxes and toilet rolls and painted a big Union Jack poster. He enjoyed the party we had in the garden. Kiean helped to make the food for the garden party by doing a live cookery lesson to make scones and followed all the instructions.

Florence in Year R learnt all about VE Day with her family and carefully decorated this picture, sent to her by her grandad, and then joined in with a celebratory tea party at home.

Rozalia in Year R  made these wonderful medals. One is a Victory Medal and the other is a Bravery Medal.

Lucas in Year R listened to a power point all about VE Day and chose to decorate his own bunting as well as make some fantastic cakes for a tea party to celebrate.


Best regards

Mrs Conlon