PE and Sport in-and-out of school this term!

Sports Report – Autumn term 2019

Good morning St Peter’s!

There are a lot of sporting opportunities for the children this term both in, and out of, school. We have many after-school sports clubs organised for the Autumn term and I hope your child/children are enjoying them! If you are not a part of a club, and you would like to be, please ask the school office if there are any spaces available!

After-school sports clubs

Dance Monday Year 1 – 6 3:15pm – 4:15pm
Tag rugby Tuesday Year 6 3:15pm – 4:15pm
Netball Tuesday Year 4 – 6 3:15pm – 4:00pm
Football (KS1) Wednesday Year 1 – 2 3: 30pm – 4:30pm
Cross country (Parent runners too!) Thursday Year 3 – 6 3:15pm – 4:00pm
Football (KS2) Thursday Year 3 – 6 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Hip-Hop Friday Year 1 – 6 3:15pm – 4:15pm


Havant Games Inter-school sports competitions

On top of this, St Peter’s is also taking part in a number of inter-school competitions, where they will compete against other schools in the South-East Hampshire area. See below for details:

Tournament Year groups Date
Tri-Golf 3 & 4 15.10.19
Fun-Run 3,4,5,6 17.10.19
Football Skills Festival 3,4,5,6 21.10.19
Football 2 23.10.19
Football 1 6.11.19


South-East Hants Cross Country Running League 2019 – 2020

Location – Portsdown Hill – Fridays 4:00 pm

Again this year, St Peter’s has entered a cross-country team into the South-East Hampshire running league. Children that have joined the cross country club will have the opportunity to compete against themselves and other schools in the seven races that run from September to February. These take place on Portsdown Hill on a Friday from 4:00 pm.

Please come and find me if you have any questions regarding these details.

Yours in Sport,

Mr Land

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