Monthly Archives: July, 2019

Year 5 Geography work

Photos showing some of the activities we did as part of our Geography work on coastal erosion and deposition. Our thanks to Mrs Broadway, from Oaklands, who used her expert subject knowledge.

Art Year 6 ‘Seascape’

Year 6 listened to Seascape by the composer Frank Bridge and then created some inspirational artwork.

This artwork will then be displayed at Oaklands on July 13th when Havant Symphony Orchestra are performing.

Children from St Peter’s are welcome to attend the rehearsal on Saturday afternoon when they can also view the art on show.


Year 5 creating Mandalas

Children in Year 5 have been learning about India and in their Art lesson today the created Mandalas using natural materials.

Mandalas are spiritual and ritual symbols in the Indian religions, Hinduism and Buddhism.  They are circular in shape to represent the universe.  Mandalas area spiritual guidance tool that helps focus attention and provide calm feelings for meditation.

While the children were outside they were given specific instructions to create their Mandalas.  They could only use four colours, it had to be circular in shape and symmetrical.  The children worked together in groups of three or four and all rose to the challenge.

The results are quite spectacular.

Waterlooville Art Trail

The children in Year 4 and Year 5 have been learning about Pop Art and the work of the artist Andy Warhol.  They used this as inspiration for creating Art work that is now on display at Waitrose in Waterlooville, as part of the annual Waterlooville Art Trail.

Year 4 children made pictures of fruit, using bright, vivid colours, while  Year 5 children created their own soup can labels.  Their artwork is incredible and their choices of soup flavours are both inventive and whacky!

The artwork is on display from Saturday 29th June until Monday 15th July and really is worth a visit!

Huge thanks go to Heather and Emily, two Year 10  girls from Oaklands, who came in on their school INSET day to help construct the whole display.