Year One Prayer Mats

During their Art lesson the children were looking at art in other faiths.  They learnt that Muslims use prayer mats and pray five times a day.

The children then created their own colourful prayer mats using felt tip pens and tissue paper.

I think they look beautiful – don’t you agree?

Year 3 – Hanamatsuri

Year Three children have been learning about festivals celebrated in other faiths.

During their art lesson this week they learnt about the Buddhist festival, Hanamatsuri. This Japanese flower festival celebrates the birthday of the Buddha Shakyamuni’s born in 565 AD. The flowers commemorate the Buddha’s birth in a garden.

The children then created their colourful gardens for the festival.


Home Learning

It’s always lovely to see the children apply the skills that they have been taught in their own Art work at home.

Emily was practising her Street Art at home after learning about the artist Banksy.

Here are some lovely examples of drawing done by Liberty and Amelie

Lilly made a ceramic tile, while learning about Space.

Well done girls and keep up the fabulous drawing and painting.

Year 5 Aliens are out of this world!

The children in Year 5 have been learning about space.  During our Art lesson we drew Aliens and then made them out of Model Magic, which is a fantastic clay to use because you can paint it or colour it with felt tip pens.  While the children were creating their aliens we listen to Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds.

The aliens the children created are absolutely fantastic… don’t you agree?

Year 6 – The Scream

During their art lessons, Year 6 have been learning about the artist Edvard Munch and in particular is painting  ‘The Scream’

The children then used chalk and oil pastels to do their own interpretation of this masterpiece, along with some very dramatic ‘scream poses’!

I can’t decide which of these is my favourite….can you?

Year 5 Street art

The children have been learning about street art during their art lessons and in particular the work of Banksy.

They have discovered that street art can a way of conveying important messages that are seen by a vast amount of people in the community.

Their first project was to chose a word or phrase that linked to homelessness.

The effect is very powerful and thought provoking.


During their next art lesson the children chose a way to express the Word of God.  I was totally overwhelmed by the stunning art work that they produced.

Which one stands out to you the most and why?


Year One – Pufferfish

Year One have been learning about toys, old and new.  They have previously drawn teddy bears, so for this lesson they sculpted their bear using model magic.

They look very cute, don’t you agree?

Home Learning

Enzo has been practising his drawings at home.  He has used wonderful shading techniques using a range of pencils.

Well done Enzo!

Year One – Teddy Bears

This term Year One are learning about toys – old and new. During our art lesson, Pufferfish class learnt about the history of the Teddy Bear and how it was named after the American President Theodore Roosevelt. The President, whose nickname was ‘Teddy’,  was on a bear shooting trip and was about to shoot a bear when he looked him in the eye and feeling sorry for him decided to spare his life. News of this spread around the world and the toy ‘Teddy’ bear was created.

The children studied  a variety of teddy bears, some over fifty years old! They felt them and discussed how to draw the fur on them.  The children experimented with chalk and pencil and then chose which one they preferred to draw their bear with.

They all look fabulous, but do you have a favourite?

Year 2 Space Rockets – Pop Art style

Year 2 are learning about SPACE this half term.  During their art lesson they learnt about Andy Warhol and Pop Art.  Then they created colourful rockets in the style of pop art.  As they have also been learning about 2D shapes in their maths lessons, I challenged them to use 2D shapes to decorate their rockets.

The children created a colourful array of rockets that even Andy Warhol would be proud of!