Year 3 Flashlight….woodland night walk.

I just adore this night time woodland walk that Eva has created….it is so charming.  Just look at how the flashlight and lit up the cute bunny and the yellow flower.  Simply stunning Eva – well done!

Wow! What a wonderful multi-coloured twist Joshua has put on his woodland night walk picture. It look fab…well done Joshua.

I love the startled look on this owl’s face when he has been caught in the beam of the flashlight.  What a lovely picture Jonathan – thanks for sharing it!

What a fabulous night time walk in the woodland, created by Frankie.  Great work!

Luke has done a truly wonderful woodland night walk picture.  I just love the way you can see the head of the deer.  Well done!

Oh my goodness!  This delightful woodland night picture, created by Henry, is fabulous.  I love the clever way that he has shown how the tree branch have been lit up by the flashlight! Well done Henry –  thank you so much for sharing this with us!

Sasha has done a great job creating a woodland night walk.  Very well done!

Inspired by this beautiful picture book, the children, in school, have created some stunning pictures. I loved this lesson…take a look at their wonderful work….

…. Wow!

Year 5 Alien Attack

These are the clay aliens that the children in school created over two lessons…they are fab!

Wow!  Just look at this totally charming alien that Kieron has made.  It is huge! I just love it.  It is clear that Kieron worked very hard to create this, but his mum also said he had lots of fun!  That’s what I love to hear…ART is FUN! Thanks for sharing this Kieron.

Oh my goodness!  This is almost too cute for words.  I absolutely adore this alien family and their little home.  Emelia has done a first rate job creating these super aliens.  Thank you so much for sharing these with us!

Wow! What an awesome alien, called Mel, that Olivia has created, complete with a factsheet and also the materials that she has used. I love the melon puns she has used…the melonade drink is definitely sounds like something I would like to try!  This is truly magnificent Olivia and I’m sure that it will inspire others to have a go!



Riya has done an outstanding job creating her stripy one-eye alien…called Beepo!  Not only is her alien awesome, but she has done a fantastic factsheet to go with it. Top marks Riya!

Ha! Ha! What a brilliant alien Sonny has made.  It definitely show his sense of humour…I love it!

What a fantastic job Aiden has done, creating this awesome alien.  Wonderful work!

Introducing the extremely cute looking alien called Groot!  Dominika has done an amazing job and I just love his hand waving to me! Thanks for sharing this with us!

Wow! What a wonderful start to our alien project!  The children in school have done an amazing job.  The clay aliens will look even better once they are painted…Watch this space!

Art Gallery February

Look at these magnificent lanterns that Matilda has made…Wonderful work Matilda – well done!

Alana and Amelia have been busy creating again, this time they’ve been making dreamcatchers with their little sister Ayia. These are absolutely beautiful…Great work girls and thank you so much for always sharing your ideas with us.

This is absolutely delightful! This wonderful house, made by Jovril and Kester, transforms into a mini cooper car.  I bet these brothers have had hours of fun playing with this.  Well done boys and thanks for sharing.

 Kung Hei Fat Choi – Happy New Year!

These Chinese New Year crafts have been made by Sophie…and what a magnificent job she has done. She has made a traditional Chinese fan, complete with blossom and  a lucky Chinese waving cat. What a wonderful way to bring in the New Year! Thank you so much for sharing these with us.

 Kung Hei Fat Choi – Happy New Year!

Alana and Amelia are getting ready to celebrate the Chinese New Year. They  have been making Chinese lanterns and dragons in preparation for Chinese New Year tomorrow. The girls are also going to be cooking a traditional Chinese chicken dish and mango pudding to see in the New Year. Their mum can’t wait.  Happy Chinese New year from the Do’urden family!!! 

These brothers have had great fun making this ‘craft water’ that they can  swim with the fish in! Jovril and Kester have worked hard to make the water look very realistic and inviting…I wonder if the water was cold? Very imaginative boys – well done!

Oh my goodness!  Look at this fabulous Viking cup that Edie has made…it looks very authentic!  Great job Edie and thanks for sharing this with us!

These talented sisters have been creating again.  This time they have turned their hand to making silhouette pictures using watercolours and oil pastels.  Amelia chose to her class animal, an elephant….

…..while Alana also did her class animal a cassowary.  It sounds like the whole family learnt some weird and wonderful facts about this intriguing bird. Both girls have done a splendid job of the sunset background.

Then Alana had a go at one of my favourite ever crafts…tie dying. What a work of art she has created.   It is a bed sheet for her youngest sister’s bed, but it is so stunning it could be framed and hung on the wall.  Amazing work Alana.  Thank you both for continuing to inspire us with all your crafts.

Matilda has been practising her shadow drawing – great work!

Year 4 Winter Landscape Diorama

I think this winter landscape diorama, by Jack is absolutely awesome!  It is clear he has really taken his time and the end result is simply stunning.  If you look closely, you can see a sly fox hiding, waiting to catch his prey! Brilliant work Jack – thanks for sharing!

Yikes! This wonderful diorama, by Jack’s younger brother Harry, gave me such a fright when I spotted the brown, grizzly bear hiding behind the tree.  Well done Harry, for doing such a brilliant winter landscape, but not well done for giving poor Mrs Pearson such a scare!😉


Vincent has done an amazing job creating this fabulous winter diorama.  I think it looks very charming and it is evident that Vincent put a great deal of effort into making it.  Well done!

My goodness – this winter diorama by Jovril is brilliant! The landscape with the trees and mountains are amazing and he was helped by his younger brother Kester.  Top job boys – thank you for sharing this with us.

Patch told me that he liked this art activity and it is clear to see why.  He has really taken his time to cut out lots of tiny woodland details and then carefully glued them in place.  The end result is truly wonderful.  Well done Patch!

Eddie has carefully constructed his wither diorama, complete with evergreen and deciduous tree. Top job Eddie – I’m so glad you thought art activity this week was fun!

Wow! Wow! Wow!  This winter Diorama by Mostyn is simply stunning.  The choice of black silhouette is very striking and the overall effect is amazing.  A true work of art Mostyn – well done.

The wonderful children in school created these stunning dioramas, based on the artist and illustrator Kelly Pousette.  The are very charming and delightful…The children didn’t want the lesson to end and neither did I!


Year 6…The Scream by Edvard Munch

Wow! The children in school have done it again….these pictures of ‘The Scream’ by Edvard Munch are just sensational!

This Scream scene by Oliver is simply stunning!  The background is very atmospheric and his Scream pose is just brilliant. Top job Oliver, thanks for sharing.

Goodness me!  This picture by Marta literally took my breath away…it looks like a true work of art.  I love the swirls of colour that she has used for the sky and how she has shown the shadow of the figure… simply stunning.  Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

I think that Eva’s choice of colours is just amazing and really adds to the atmosphere. Well done!

Wow! Maddie’s drawing of the Scream is amazing.  I think the colours look so vibrant and the sky looks fantastic…I love your scream pose too Maddie…Brilliant work!

I’m totally blown away by Liberty’s creation of the Scream.  Using water colours.  It is totally awesome.  I love it!

Just look at this sensation picture of the Scream that Emily create.  It is simply stunning…a real work of art – thanks for sharing!

My goodness! This Scream picture by Josh is brilliant.  He used his mum’s water pencils to created the background and has done an amazing job.  Great work Josh!

Wow!  Look at this fabulous drawing of The Scream by Aaron.  I love the vivid colours he has used.  Well done and thanks for sharing.

Sabrina has put her own interpretation on her picture of the Scream and I think it looks brilliant…well done Sabrina!

Year 4 Winter tree silhouette

Look at this pair of winter tree silhouette pictures, that George has created…I think they are terrific, don’t you? Well done George and thanks for sharing!

Oh my goodness!  Edie’s atmospheric landscape painting is a real ‘work of art’.  I get a sense that a storm is brewing and that the birds are trying to fly to safety.  I’m not sure if that is what they ‘artist ‘ Edie was trying to convey, but that is my interpretation of this piece of art.  Great work Edie!

Wow! Wow! Wow!  This stunning landscape, created by Brayden has literally taken my breath away!  I love the sense of perspective that he shown with the fence and the overall painting is very mesmerising.  An absolute masterpiece.  Thank you so much for sharing this with us Brayden

Gosh! This landscape that Finlay has created is truly wonderful.  I absolutely love the way that the colours in the sky have run into each other, creating a fantastic evening sunset.  Fabulous work Finlay – well done!

I love this winter landscape by Eddie.  I particularly like the way that he has blended his watercolours for the setting sun.  Wonderful work Eddie!

Patch has done an amazing job creating his winter landscape, especially the way he has create hues of green for the fields.  Thanks for sharing this with us Patch.

Wow!  What a truly sensational winter landscape Mostyn has created.  I love the way that the colours in his vivid sunset are reflected onto the snow.  The  fence has been beautifully painted and tree add a distinctive feature… I feel I could write a story about what this tree has seen throughout his life!  It also reminds me of a tree I have seen on one of my many walks. Well done Mostyn – great job! 


This winter landscape by Oliver is very atmospheric.  He has used water colour pencils to create the ‘moody’ sky and sunset and it looks amazing.  Great work Oliver – thanks for sharing!

I think this winter landscape painted by Edie is simply stunning.  It is clear to see the shadows created by the setting sun.  Well done Edie!

Wow! This winter landscape by Jovril is absolutely awesome. You can see the winter sun reflecting onto the snowy fields, which is very effective.  Well done Jovril and thanks for sharing.


What a wonderful landscape that Pheobe has created…the colours create a beautiful sunset with a snowy field.  Fab work Pheobe!

Jack loved creating this winter landscape and his brother Harry (Year 2) also joined in, this is what their mum wrote, ‘They both wanted to give the year 4 task a try and really enjoyed it. They thought the paint blurring on the wet paper was great to watch.’ Great job boys and thank you for sharing it with us.

Jack’s winter landscape

Harry’s winter landscape

Well done Luke, your winter landscape is wonderful….I love it.  

The children in school absolutely blew me away with these wonderful winter tree silhouettes.  I think they are simply stunning…don’t you?




Year 1 The Koala who could

It is an absolute joy to see the amazing artwork that these creative brothers make.  Working as a team,  Mason, Calum and Harry, who isn’t even at school yet, have once again shown their artistic flair with these fantastic Koalas.  How delightful…don’t ask me to choose a favourite!!

…and the stunning finished result… including their mummy’s  magnificent koala…

I think this Koala that Kiean has creating is just terrific.  He mixed the paints all by himself and he has done an amazing job.  The tree trunk and leaves have also been beautifully painted,  First class job Kiean – very well done!

I think this Koala by Isobel is wonderful… I have to say she also looks a little mischievous! Well done Isobel and thanks for sharing!

Wow! I think Christina’s Koala looks really cute… and just about ready to munch on those tasty Eucalyptus leaves.  Yummy!

Oh my goodness!  This picture by Bailey is simply sensational – I just adore the expression on Kevin’s face!  This what he wrote and told me… ‘I loved the story about Kevin the koala, trying new things are sometimes scary. I enjoyed drawing him today, hope you like it 😊.’…well Bailey I don’t like it – I LOVE it! Thanks so much for sharing this with us

We read this book and then created our own Koala bears. My goodness Year One…you’re a talented bunch!


Year 2 Fox in the style of Horace Pippin

I really like this fox picture, by Eve.  It is clear that she has really taken her time to draw such a cunning fox, which looks truly delightful.  Thanks for sharing this with us!

What a truly wonderful fox that Caelan has drawn, in the style of Horace Pippin.  I particularly love the wood grain effect background – it look fantastic!  Brilliant work Caelan.

Hats off to the Bennett brothers again for their awesome art this week.  It is so uplifting to see them all doing art together…this image below really shows that art is a beautiful thing that can be shared and explored together….

….and the end results are so impressive and judging by Mason, Calum and Harry’s faces they are proud of their work too. A huge shout out to their mum for encouraging such creativity…well done done to you all!!

Just look at this marvellous fox that Molly has created.  The wood effect background looks very authentic and the fox looks like he is off for a stroll.  I wonder if he will bump into the Gruffalo?

This crafty fox picture has been beautifully created by Hallie and she has done an amazing job. The fox is very realistic and looks like he is just ready to pounce on his prey.  Well done Hallie!

My goodness!  This Horace Pippin fox by Max is magnificent! I can see he has taken his time  and I’m so glad he did because the end result is absolutely awesome. Thank you so much for sharing this with us Max.  

Wow! Noah really challenged himself this week, as he painted his woodgrain background.  He has done an excellent job of scraping objects into the wet paint and the effect is awesome.  On top of that he has drawn a fantastic fox. Simply stunning Noah – well done!

Oh my goodness….this pair of foxes are so cute…I love them!  It is clear that Bella has put a great deal of effort into these pictures.  Thanks for sharing them with us.

This splendid fox picture by Raffaella is simply stunning! Just look how carefully she has created the woodgrain for the background…and the fox is brilliant too, just like the fox on her top! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. 

Wow! Look at this excellent fox picture that Catherine created.  Someone at home has stuck a ‘Well Done’ sticker on it and I can see why…it’s great. Well done Catherine!

Matthew has done a fabulous fox picture, which looks wonderful.  Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

Oh my goodness! This is a brilliant fox by Alexander and the wood effect background is fantastic.  A first rate job…well done!

Just look at this wonderful picture that Ava has created.  The woodgrain effect and fox are simply super. Great work Ava!


Cohen has done an amazing picture with a fantastic fox.  Well done Cohen!

Maisie has created this marvellous picture of her fox on a wood grain background. The overall effect is awesome!  Thank you for sharing this with us Maisie.

The wonderful children in school worked so hard to create their fox in the style of Horace Pippin. First they had to make their woodgrain background and then they had to draw their fox and colour it with his trademark ‘splash of red’. They found it very tricky, but the end results are simply stunning! Well done everyone!

Reception….Amazing Animals

Wow! Just look at this awesome creating James has made of his dog, Roly.  I think it looks fabulous…

…and his sister Phoebe couldn’t resist joining in too.  What a creative family – well done to the pair of you!

These are the wonderful animals that have been sent to Miss Deacon…I just had to share them with you!

Liam’s new invention…a chickmonk!



Rosabella’s Rainbow cat!

Dylan’s funky fish

Sophie’s lovely lion

Emily’s excellent Elmer the Elephant.

Year 3 Georgia O’Keeffe Watercolour Flowers

The children in school really loved this lesson and I have to say the end results were truly sensational!

I love the vibrant colours that Jonathan has chosen to colour is flower…it’s just like a rainbow flower. Well done Jonathan and thank you for sharing this with us.

I think this flower drawn by Jay is really beautiful.  He has added some wonderful shading and tone to the flower.  Top job Jay!


What a totally amazing flower, created by Gabriella.  Well done – I love it!

Wow!  This tissue paper flower by Evie is simply stunning! I just love it…it is so beautiful and very carefully created.  Amazing work Evie and thanks for sharing.

I think this flower by Alice is totally awesome.  The overall effect is very enchanting. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

What a clever drawing of a flower by Henry…You can just see the ladybird coming in to land on it.  Great work Henry!

My goodness!  This flower by Rheon is simply stunning…I love it! Thank you for sharing this with us.

Wow! What a brilliantly vibrant flower Sasha has made, using felt-tip pens.  The colours are so vivid they really stand out and look terrific.  Well done Sasha and thanks for sharing this with us.

Matilda has done an awesome job creating this Georgia O’Keeffe inspired flower, using coloured pencils. I just love it Matilda!

This sensational flower has been beautifully created by Luke.  I absolutely love his choice of colours.  Great job Luke!

Wow! Look at this impressive flower that Imogen has created.  She and Hallie worked together over Teams…what a wonderful idea.  Well done Imogen and thanks for sharing!

Oh my goodness – this flower created by Isla is so beautiful…I just love it.  Great work Isla.

I am so impressed with this fantastic flower that Jamie has create, in the style of Georgie O’Keeffe. Simply stunning Jamie – well done!