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Art Gallery Week Beginning 06/04/20

On here I will post all the lovely art work you send me that isn’t linked to the Holy Week and Easter challenge.

I love these crafts by Phoebe (Year 3).  As you can see she has made a monster with big bulging eyes and eyelashes. She has also created this tree house and 2 bedrooms flat with a dining table and chairs in the corner, a kitchen and beds.  I think we may have a budding interior designer here!  Thanks for sharing Phoebe!

Wow!  Look at these amazing crafts created by Jasmine (Year 3).  As you can see she has kept herself busy making this person with a paper plate – I love the eyelashes, a brilliant bumble bee and a fantastic elephant with a collage of animal prints.  Great work Jasmine and thanks for sharing!

Goodness me!  This pair of brothers have been busy!  They have worked together as a team to make and then paint this fabulous castle!  It is truly a work of art.  I know it took them a long time, but it was well worth it as they have produced something that not only looks amazing, but they can play with too.  In fact, I know that they have been playing with their toy soldiers in it – how brilliant is that!  Thanks for sharing this with us boys!

Wow! I love this Chinese Dragon plate that was created by Sophia (Year 3).  She drew a Chinese Dragon on a paper plate, then  coloured it in different colours. Then she painted the outside bright red. Sophia said it was really fun and a bit complicated, but I’m so glad she persevered because the result is stunning! Thank you for sharing this with us!

Maisie(Year 1) has made this wonderful  walrus out of silver paper plates she had left over from her party. It looks fantastic – well done Maisie!

Wow! Look at this wonderful Easter picture made by Isabella (Year 1).  I love the way the bunnies are hopping over the carrots! Thank you for sharing this Isabella!

This beautiful picture and prayer has been created by Fia (Year 1).  The prayer reads ‘God Please help  people from the coronavirus . Stay at home and safe. Wash your hands.’  What a very thoughtful prayer Fia – thanks for sharing!

These paper plate creations have been made by Islwyn and Mostyn.  Islwyn made a Brazilian inspired plate, while Mostyn has made a Chinese plate and fan.  These are both incredible and look fantastic Well done boys and thanks for sharing!

Wow! These fantastic polar bears have been created by Max (Year 1) and Kiean (Year R).  These two brothers have carefully stuck cotton wool balls on their paper plates to make these cute polar bears.  Thank you for sharing these boys!

Look at Max busy creating this fabulous castle inspired by the art work of Paul Klee.  It is clear that Max has taken his time and worked very patiently and it was worth the effort because the end result is simply stunning.  Well done Max!

Goodness me look how busy Caelan (Year 1)  and his younger sister Phoenix have been, building and painting these brilliant bird boxes.  Their daddy has varnished them and put them up on their little house in the garden. They are hoping some little birds will nest in them.  I hope they will let us know if they getting any little visitors. Well done Caelan and Phoenix…oh not forgetting their daddy too!


Wow!  Look at this amazing sword and shield made by Evan (Year 3) a part of his Romans topic.  As you can see, he has made it life size and has carefully painted it with bright bold colours.  Thank you for sharing this Evan!

Holy Week and Easter Art Gallery

Oh my goodness…this is breath taking!  Hanna(Year 5) and her mum have created this magnificent cross full of beautiful flowers that are made out of air drying clay. They used green cardboard and Hanna’s mum was the one that cut out the cross shape. They  chose the flower as a symbol of resurrection just like Jesus resurrected and the earth wakes up in spring after winter.  This is truly a MASTERPIECE and it is clear that a huge amount of time and effort was put into it, but it was worth it as the result is truly stunning.  Thank you so much for sharing this Hanna…and mum!

I am loving this stained glass window cross that has been so carefully coloured by Eva (Year 5).  Well done Eva!

Eva’s sister Emma (Year 4 has done this stained glass window using tissue paper.  It took her a long time, as it was very fiddly, but it was worth it because the end result is simple stunning!  Thank you for sharing this Emma!

Sabrina (Year 5) has creatively used Lego to make her Easter Garden and cross.  It is clear she has a lot of patience and they all look fabulous.  Well done Sabrina!

This stunning Good Friday picture has been created by Halle (Year 2).  I am so impressed that she has used the technique of pointillism, made famous by the artist Seurat and a technique that we have practised in Year 2.  Halle must have taken her time had a lot of patience to do this, but the fantastic result has made it all worthwhile. Thank you for sharing this Halle!

Look at this simply stunning Last Supper picture created by Ben (Year 3). he worked so hard and found it tricky to put all the Disciples in the correct place, but I’m so glad he persevered, because the end result is truly magnificent…a real MASTERPIECE!  Well done Ben!

Wow!  I just had to share this stunning piece of street art by Taylor (Year 5).  It is a very thought-provoking piece of art, that gave me goosebumps when I first looked at it.  It has clearly taken Taylor a lot of time, but it was worth every second… it is truly magnificent.  Thank you so much for sharing this Taylor – I’m sure you will inspire others to try some Street Art!


Wow!  These two amazing crafts, both made by Rafe (Year 1), show off how talented he is.  The first is his Stained glass window cross and the second is his magnificent Easter Bonnet, which is a celebration of Easter and spring.  Fabulous creations Rafe – thanks for sharing!


This adorable Easter bunny has been created by Caelan (Year 1). He has used a pom-pom and then carefully glued all the features on.  This is super cute and I love it!  Well done Caelan…and mummy!

Wow!  This amazing Easter bunting has been created by Esther (Year 6).  The multi-coloured Easter eggs and magnificent patterns really brighten up the window!  Thank you for sharing these Esther.

Here is an impressive  Easter  Garden, created by Alfie (Year 5).   He has planted cactus seeds – hopefully they won’t take too long to grow!

Alfie also did this amazing drawing of Jesus on the cross….

…and this ‘Eggscellent’ brightly coloured Easter Egg.  Well done Alfie and thank you so much for sharing all your fantastic Easter crafts!

Oh my goodness!  The Bennett brothers have been busy again with these ‘Eggstraordinary’ Easter crafts.  I’m loving the super cute Easter bunny and I really like the stained glass widow egg and cross.  The yellow chick is also amazing and I particularly love his tissue paper hair.  Mason (Year 1), Calum (Year R) and their younger brother Harry always work hard on their crafts and their results are simply AWESOME!  Thank you boys!

These ‘Eggscellent’ Easter Bonnets have been created by Caelan (Year 1)  and his talented younger sister, Phoenix.  They carefully placed everything where they wanted it to go and then their mummy used the glue gun to secure them in place.  I hope they wear them on Easter Sunday!  Well done and thank you for sharing!

Wow! Wow! Wow! Mostyn (Year 3) has drawn the Last Supper focusing on perspective like Leonardo De Vinci. He followed an online video on youtube and was very pleased with the result and I can see why it is absolutely fantastic! I love this Mostyn – thank you for sharing!

Mostyn also created this wonderful stained glass window as part of his RE work. It is a very beautiful representation of the Twelfth Station of the Cross. Fantastic work Mostyn!

This is simply stunning! Islwyn (Year 6) based his Easter work on the artist Andy Warhol because he liked his bold and colourful style. He has done an amazing job and should be rightly proud of the end result.  Well done Islwyn!

Wow! Look at this stunning Minecraft creation of the Last Supper by Jasmine (Year 3).  How clever she is to have combined her interest for Minecraft to show this important event in the Life of Jesus.  Thank you of sharing this Jasmine!

I really like this colourful Easter picture created by Emelia.  It has been carefully coloured and looking stunning.  Well done Emelia!

This beautiful stained glass window was created by Ben (Year 3) and represents the 11th Station of the Cross.  It has been carefully and thoughtfully drawn and has really impressed me.  Thank you Ben, for sharing this picture with us!

This mosaic artwork is the creation of Oliver (Year 4).  Look how carefully he has assembled all the pieces and I really like his thoughtful choice of colours, as well as the important message he has shared with us.  Well done Oliver!

Wow!  Look at this beautiful stained glass window that has been carefully coloured by Kiean (Year R).  He has really taken his time to make sure he hasn’t drawn over the lines.  Well done Kiean!

This stained glass window has been coloured by Kiean’s brother Max (Year 1).  I absolutely love his choice of colours, as it looks very bright and colourful.  Great work Max!


This stunning stained glass window has been carefully created by Max (Year 1).  I am so impressed that he kept going with it, even though it was harder than he thought it would be.  In the end, Max is pleased with the end result and so am I… it is a fitting tribute for Good Friday.  Thank you for sharing this Max!

Alexander (Year 1) has been working hard today making these ‘Eggscellent’ Easter Cards .  He used potato stamps, paint and ink stamps – and said it was a lot of fun. Well done Alexander and thank you for sharing!

This gorgeous Easter garden has been created by these three sisters, Faith (Year 5) Sophia (Year 3) and Grace (Year 1).  These girls worked together to make this Garden, which is full of lots of symbols that represent Easter.  How many can you count?  Thank you for sharing this fabulous garden!

This stunning picture of the ‘Last Supper’ has been drawn by Phoebe (Year 3). She took her inspiration from Leonardo Da Vinci and as she can see she has done an amazing job and included so much detail!  Well done Phoebe!


Wow!  This amazing Easter Garden has be beautifully created by Florence (Year 1). She has been learning about Easter and the story of Jesus and the the tomb. As you can see, she has really thought of every detail with the cross, the sign ‘He has RISEN!’ and a tomb stone, decorated colourfully as an Easter egg.  Well done Florence!

Isabella has made this fabulous  collage Easter cross, using the a variety of different materials.  It looks very effective – thank you Isabella!


Maisie (Year 1) has been busy again today making a stained glass window in the design of a cross. She cut the cross out of black card and stuck tissue paper onto some cellophane, it really looks pretty when it shines in the light. Thank you for sharing this with us Maisie!

Wow!  This multi-coloured cross has been made by Lucas (Year R).  As you can see he has carefully scrunched up pieces of tissue paper and then glued them onto a cross.  The result is totally amazing.  Well done Lucas!

What a wonderful Easter Garden created by Joshua (Year 2).  He has put a great deal of thought and effort into it and it looks fantastic.  Thank you for sharing this with us Joshua.

This beautiful cross has been made by Annabelle (Year 1).  As you can see she has carefully glued a selection of items on to it to make it very colourful.  Well done Annabelle!

Wow!  This fantastic painting of Palm Sunday is the fabulous art work of Alana (Year 4).  As you can see, Alana has taken inspiration from the artist Vincent Van Gogh.  I absolutely love this Alana – thanks for sharing!

Dominika (Year4 ) and Maksym (Year 2) have worked very hard to created these crosses and Easter baskets.  I can see that they have put a great deal of time and effort into making them look so good.  Thank you for sharing!

Islwyn (Year 6) and Mostyn (Year 3) have been busy making these ‘Eggscellent’ Easter cards.  They are so bright and colourful and I’m sure they would brighten up the day of anyone who receives them.  Thank you for sharing them with us!

These crosses have been made by Max  (Year 1) and his brother Kiean (Year r) and they look amazing! The crosses were made using pva glue and food colouring to make patterns, which is a great technique and one that I am going to try.  Thank you Max and Kiean for sharing these with us!

Wow!  These colourful Easter Eggs created by Alexander (Year 1) are simply stunning!  He has made them by using various pieces of coloured thread – this is definitely an idea I am going to ‘magpie’!  Thanks you for sharing this Alexander!

This Easter Bunny and cross are the creations of Caelan (year 1).  I love the cute bunny who looks like he is out enjoying the sunny weather, but keeping a safe distance from everyone else!  The cross is also very impressive and is made with palm leaves from Caelan’s garden and multi-coloured hearts and leaves.  Well done Caelan!

This trio of Easter Gardens have been beautifully created by Alana (Year 4) Amelia (Year 1) and their gorgeous little sister, Ayia.  It is wonderful to see all the natural materials they have collected to make them and the flowers brighten them up.  Thank you girls, it’s always a delight to see your creations.


Look at this fantastic cross  and bird box that Bailey (Year R) has created, with help from his dad. It is a delight to see them working together and for Bailey to be learning new skills.  I really like the choice of colours they have chosen too.  However, that mud kitchen looks fab as well, I could have loads of fun with that! Thank you Bailey…and of course your dad!


This beautiful Easter Garden has been created by Maisie (Year 1).  It is lovely to see her create this and take the time to make it look so stunning.  I can see she has made the crosses by tying them with string, a skill she learnt in Year R.  Well done Maisie!

Wow!  Just look how busy these sisters have been!  They have done lots of Holy Week and Easter crafts and each one is fantastic.  This one shows  how they decorated their  door with olive branches and a cross and  hung it  out yesterday for Palm Sunday. Truly beautiful.

Emma (Year 4) and Eva (Year 5) then turned their art skills to making these crosses representing  Good Friday and then Easter Sunday. They have been very thoughtful with the way they have decorated them.

Christina (Year R) then made this  super cute Easter Bunny and Easter chick, using the collage technique.  I love them!  Thank you for sharing your ideas girls, I’m sure you have inspired many others!

Look at these two stunning crosses drawn by the Cook brothers,  Oliver (Year 5) and (Tommy Year 4).  Oliver did this coloured one and I really like the way he has coloured the wood to make it look like bark.  I also like the way he has drawn and then coloured the leaves behind the cross. It is clear he has really taken his time and the result is remarkable.  Very beautiful!

Tommy then used his impressive sketching skills to draw this cross, with lots of intricate detail.  Then to drawn and colour the rose lifts it to another level and is very thought provoking.  Thank you for sharing these Oliver and Tommy!

These two sisters, Alana (Year 4) and Amelia (Year 1) always do lovely art work and this is no exception.  Look how carefully they made these stained class window crosses, with beautiful colours, then Alana went on to make a huge mosaic cross.  Well done girls, your art always cheers me up!

Wow!  Look at this amazing Easter garden created by Aaron (Year 5).  The use of natural materials is so effective and thought provoking.  Thank you Aaron!

Cian created two of these crosses from plants in his garden.  The third cross he made from a black and red puzzle he had at home.  Thank you  Cian.

Wow!  Look at this wonderful drawing of the ‘Last Supper’ created by Ishana (Year 3). She has spent a lot of time and put a lot of thought into this picture.  Well done Ishana!

Holy Week and Easter Art Challenge

May I start by saying a huge thank you to everyone who has sent me pictures of your art and craft activities.  I have really enjoyed looking at each and every one.  If you haven’t already, please take a moment to look through the posts so that you can see what your friends have been up to.

I have set out a list of art ideas that you can do over the next two weeks.  It could be that you prefer to come up with your own idea or want to do something that another Year group is doing – that would be absolutely fine.  The most important thing is that you have fun doing something creative.  Feel free to encourage other family members to get involved too.


Year 6

Holy Week:

This is a real challenge: 

Draw an event from Holy week in the style of a famous Artist.  You have to let me know the inspiration that you used, with a sentence or two.  It could be in the style of Lowry or Munch, both artists we have studied this year, or your favourite artist, such as Van Gogh or Monet.  You can get inspiration from the internet or a family bible with pictures.

Year 5

Holy Week

Use Street Art to represent one aspect of Holy week.  It could be ‘Hosanna’ when the crowds were for Jesus or ‘Crucify Him’ as the crowd turned against Him. Alternatively, it could be ‘Do this in memory of me’. If you prefer, you can do a thought provoking picture/image in the style of Street Art.


Year 4

Palm Sunday or Good Friday

Create a drawing or painting of either Palm Sunday or Good Friday in the style of Vincent Van Gogh, as he is one of the artists we have studied this year. For example, think of one of his famous painting, such as Starry, Starry night, and use this as inspiration for your own picture.


Year 3

Leonardo Da Vinci did a famous painting of The Last Supper.



 Can you draw, colour or paint you own Last Supper picture? 


Year 2

Draw or paint a scene from Good Friday.  You can take inspiration from one of the pictures you find on the internet, or use your own imagination. Try to use either pointillism, Pop Art or a combination of the two.


Year 1

Make a cross to symbolise Good Friday.  It can be done in a variety of ways: either by drawing or painting, using pastels, or make a collage cross using a variety of materials. If you prefer, you can go outside and make one using natural materials.



Make or draw either a cross or an Easter egg, then decorate it using a variety of different materials that you find around your house.


For every Year Group:

However, if none of these appeal to you , why not try one of these?

Fancy something different:

Make a stained glass window about ONE of the Stations of the Cross that means the most to you.

Create your own Easter Garden, include a simple cross, cave/tomb, add flowers and/or seeds that will grow over Easter.


I will also love to see any other art work that you make and will post it on the Art Blog.

Email your art work to me:

Remember to include your name and Year group

Thank you 

Mrs Pearson

Alana’s digestive system


Wow! This is just too good not to share!

As you can see, Alana has been working so hard on her school project about the digestive system.  She has created this ‘life-size’ model to show how the digestive system works.  I am so impressed with this I think it could even be used in hospitals to help train doctors and dietitians. Thanks for sharing this Alana.

Year 6 Brazil paper plates

Wow!  Look at this stunning Mardi Gras Mask created by Faith.   It is so bright and colourful it would be right at home at the Rio Carnival.  Thank you for sharing Faith…and for being the first one on the Year 6 post!

This brilliant Brazilian plate, by Toby, features several aspect of Brazil.  The flag has been carefully coloured and the sketch of the toucan is very life like.  Thanks for sharing Toby!

Wow!  This magnificent Mardi Gras Mask has been created by Hayden and it is truly spectacular.  It is clear that he has done his research and looked at a variety of masks before deciding to create this one.  Well done Hayden and thank you for sharing this!

Who would live in a castle like this?…. The Bennett Family!

I just had to share this fabulous piece of art work with you.  The Bennett boys have been collecting recycled materials  all week in preparation for creating this fantastic castle.  As it is evident to see, Mason, Calum and Harry have taken a great deal of time working on this masterpiece and the result is outstanding!

Living in the castle, in no particular order, are Mummy, Daddy, Mason, Calum, Harry, Nanny & Grandad and Uncle Toby!… all I want to know….”Is there room for me?”


Year 3 China Paper Plates

Wow!  Look at this stunning Chinese paper plate create by Ben.  Not only has he used all the right colours and included Chinese writing, but he researched and found out lots of facts about China too. One fact that impressed Ben was that you can see the Great Wall of China from space and he looked at photos to see what it looked liked. Thank you for sharing this Ben and for being the first person in your Year group to have a post on this page!

These two fantastic plates have been created by Connie.  I like them both, but the dragon is particularly awesome! I can see she has put in a great deal of time and effort to these creations and it was well worth it because the result is amazing.  Well done Connie!

Wow! Ishana has created this magnificent Chinese fan, which looks simply stunning.  It looks very authentic and it is something I could use now the weather is getting warmer and sunnier.  I can see you have taken your time and  coloured it carefully. Thank you for sharing this Ishana!


Oh my goodness what a magnificent Chinese fan created by Lola.  It is clearly evident that Lola has been working hard on her home learning for Art this week, and wanted to share this on the post. These photos really bring to life her research, as she created  her own ‘Inspiration Board’ before making her fan.  This is a really impressive approach to your art work Lola – Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

Wow!  Look at this wonderful Chinese plate made by Jovril.  I can see he has put in a great deal of time and effort to this creation and it was well worth it because the result is fantastic. Thank you for sharing this Jovril!

This fabulous Chinese Dragon plate has been created by Fabio.  I love the fire coming from his mouth and his black and red stripes. Well done Fabio and thanks for sharing!

Wow! Teddy and his brother Rohan have been  creating these Chinese plates.  As you can see, Teddy has researched his dragon because you can identify several authentic feature to a real Chinese dragon.  Thank you Teddy and Rohan for sharing them with us.


Year 4 Australian Paper Plates

Wow! Look at this stunning Australian Flag created by Caleb.  He has been working hard all day and finished by having fun making this flag.  Look how carefully he has coloured it in – thank you for sharing this Caleb!

Look at these two Australian beauties, both made from paper plates.  Emma has turned her art skills to do some Aboriginal painting on the first plate and then created a fabulous beach scene for the second one.  I love them both and I can see you have put a great deal of time and effort into them and it was worth it because the results are amazing.  Thank you Emma for all your hard work!

Calin has made this fantastic flag of Australia and as you can see he has been very careful at making sure it is accurate and colouring it in beautifully.  Well done Calin!

Sophie loved creating this Australian Paper Plate and I can see she has used a range of painting techniques.  I really like the way she has used the Aboriginal dots around the edge of the plate and the colourful picture in the centre.

Thank you for sharing Sophie – I think it’s fabulous!

Look at these fabulous paper plate creations  by Ethan, Katie, Eve and Isla.  They have each done the Year Group’s country. Katie has done Africa, Eve and Isla have done cute penguins from Antarctica and Ethan has made Australian animals.

Well done to this Awesome Foursome!

This wonderful paper plate has been carefully drawn by Brayden.  It is evident that he has really taken his time to draw the map of Australia, along with the flag and a Koala.  Well done Brayden and thanks for sharing.

Frankie has made these fabulous paper plate, which features different aspects of  Australia.  It is clear to see that she has put her talent for drawing to good use.  Thank you for sharing this Frankie.

Wow!  I really love this Australian design, created by Callum.  He has thought of lots of things native to Australia and included them.  The flag is fantastic too.  I can see he has really taking his time and it has paid off because the result is fabulous. Well done Callum!

This amazing Aboriginal plate has been very carefully painted by Ruby.  I can see she has really though about the design and put in a great deal of time and effort to create this masterpiece!  Fantastic work Ruby  – thanks for sharing!

Georgia has created this colourful, Aboriginal inspired plate and it looks magnificent.  It is clear she has really taken her time to carefully create this lovely pattern and I really like her choice of colours.  Well done Georgia!

This is Leo’s Australia inspired art. He was very pleased with his boomerang and kangaroo at the bottom and I can see why because they are both fantastic!  Thank you for sharing Leo!

Wow! I’m loving this Australian paper plate by Olivia.  It has been so carefully painted and the kangaroo had been drawn and painted superbly. It must have taken her a long time, but it was worth it, as the end result is fantastic.

Well done Olivia – you have created a real ‘Work of Art’!

This splendid paper plate, by Grace, features the natural beauty of Australia.  I particularly like her choice of colours for the border.  It must have taken her a long time, but it was well worth it! Thank you for sharing this with us Grace!

Wow! These sisters have been busy creating their paper plates.  As you can see, Alana has made a spectacular Aboriginal inspired  pattern for her plate, while her sister Amelia has made a very cute polar, with very mesmerising eyes.  Thanks for sharing with us girls!

Look at this fantastic Australian plate that has been created by Noah.  He has drawn a brilliant boomerang on it and then carefully coloured in a repeating pattern.  It looks truly stunning – well done Noah!

Wow!  This is a fantastic Australian plate created by Oliver. I really like the way he has used the Aboriginal tradition of dots to make his gecko. Thanks for sharing Oliver!

Look at this amazing Australian plate created by Johan.  It is evident that he has a real talent for drawing animals and it is hard for me to choose a favourite, as they are all so life like and drawn to scale.  Well done Johan and thank you for sharing!

Goodness me!  This paper plate created by Conor is magnificent.  He has really thought about incorporating several features of Australia, including the Aboriginal art of using dots and a Koala, which is holding onto a tree trunk.  This must have taken Conor a great deal of time and perseverance, but as you can see from the result, it was worth it. Thank you for sharing this with us Conor!

I love this paper plate made by Dominika. I really like her choice of colours and the patience she has shown doing a repeated pattern around the edge. Well done Dominika and thanks for sharing!

Wow! Look at this set of Aboriginal inspired paper plates created by Summer.  Each one has taken a great deal of time and patience to create and it would be hard for me to choose a favourite, but I really love the one with the hand.  Thank you for putting in such a lot of effort Summer!

I am loving this Kangaroo paper plate created by Emi.  As you can see she has drawn a perfectly proportioned kangaroo, which is not an easy thing to do.  Thank you for sharing this with us Emi!

These amazing Australian inspired pieces of art have been created by Diyonna and they both look incredible. I love the kangaroo , which is in perfect proportion and also the Aboriginal technique of using dots and dashes to tell a story. Thank you for sharing these Diyonna.

Year 2 African paper plates

Look at this stunning African mask created by Junior. It look absolutely fabulous – well done!


Look at these fabulous paper plate creations  by Ethan, Katie, Eve and Isla.  They have each done the Year Group’s country. Ethan has done Australia, Eve and Isla have done cute penguins from Antarctica and Katie has done a awesome lion and an African shield.

Well done to this Awesome Foursome!

Wow!  This is a very bright and bold  African mask created by Chloe.  I really like her choice of colours and the way she has taken her time to carefully colour it in.  Thank you for sharing this Chloe.

I’m loving this African mask made by Luke, it looks very authentic.  I’m glad he put his name on it as I would never have recognised him.  Great job Luke!

Goodness me – would you look at this fantastic mask created by the very talented Darcy.  It is so bright and colourful and I love the animal print that has been added to it as well.  I can see you have done some research to make it look very realistic and it was worth the effort because the result is amazing.  Thank you so much for sharing this with us Darcy!

Wow! I absolutely love this African necklace and mask that Eva has created. The necklace has been so carefully painted with a beautiful repeating pattern and the mask looks totally awesome! Well done Eva and thanks for sharing!

Wow!  After making a fabulous mask earlier in the week, Darcy has turned her talents to making this fantastic Kenyan Flag. It’s not so easy to see here, but Darcy has done this ‘mosaic style’ as there are lots of squares that she has cut up and stuck onto the flag.  It must of take her a long time, but it was worth it because the result is outstanding.  Well done Darcy!

This amazing African mask is the work of Maksym and as you can see, it is truly a work of art!  He has really used his artistic flair and a range of materials and techniques.  Well done Maksym, I’m really impressed with your art!

Year 5 Paper Plates – India


Travis has been busy colouring in this mask using the colours of the India Flag.  Well done Travis!

Wow!  Eva has been busy creating these India inspired pieces of art. They both look totally charming and your patience in colouring them carefully has really paid off.  Thank you so much for sharing these Eva.

Look at this fantastic paper plate created by Emily.  You can really see how she has been inspired by India while making it.  Well done Emily!