Year 4 Australian Paper Plates

Wow! Look at this stunning Australian Flag created by Caleb.  He has been working hard all day and finished by having fun making this flag.  Look how carefully he has coloured it in – thank you for sharing this Caleb!

Look at these two Australian beauties, both made from paper plates.  Emma has turned her art skills to do some Aboriginal painting on the first plate and then created a fabulous beach scene for the second one.  I love them both and I can see you have put a great deal of time and effort into them and it was worth it because the results are amazing.  Thank you Emma for all your hard work!

Calin has made this fantastic flag of Australia and as you can see he has been very careful at making sure it is accurate and colouring it in beautifully.  Well done Calin!

Sophie loved creating this Australian Paper Plate and I can see she has used a range of painting techniques.  I really like the way she has used the Aboriginal dots around the edge of the plate and the colourful picture in the centre.

Thank you for sharing Sophie – I think it’s fabulous!

Look at these fabulous paper plate creations  by Ethan, Katie, Eve and Isla.  They have each done the Year Group’s country. Katie has done Africa, Eve and Isla have done cute penguins from Antarctica and Ethan has made Australian animals.

Well done to this Awesome Foursome!

This wonderful paper plate has been carefully drawn by Brayden.  It is evident that he has really taken his time to draw the map of Australia, along with the flag and a Koala.  Well done Brayden and thanks for sharing.

Frankie has made these fabulous paper plate, which features different aspects of  Australia.  It is clear to see that she has put her talent for drawing to good use.  Thank you for sharing this Frankie.

Wow!  I really love this Australian design, created by Callum.  He has thought of lots of things native to Australia and included them.  The flag is fantastic too.  I can see he has really taking his time and it has paid off because the result is fabulous. Well done Callum!

This amazing Aboriginal plate has been very carefully painted by Ruby.  I can see she has really though about the design and put in a great deal of time and effort to create this masterpiece!  Fantastic work Ruby  – thanks for sharing!

Georgia has created this colourful, Aboriginal inspired plate and it looks magnificent.  It is clear she has really taken her time to carefully create this lovely pattern and I really like her choice of colours.  Well done Georgia!

This is Leo’s Australia inspired art. He was very pleased with his boomerang and kangaroo at the bottom and I can see why because they are both fantastic!  Thank you for sharing Leo!

Wow! I’m loving this Australian paper plate by Olivia.  It has been so carefully painted and the kangaroo had been drawn and painted superbly. It must have taken her a long time, but it was worth it, as the end result is fantastic.

Well done Olivia – you have created a real ‘Work of Art’!

This splendid paper plate, by Grace, features the natural beauty of Australia.  I particularly like her choice of colours for the border.  It must have taken her a long time, but it was well worth it! Thank you for sharing this with us Grace!

Wow! These sisters have been busy creating their paper plates.  As you can see, Alana has made a spectacular Aboriginal inspired  pattern for her plate, while her sister Amelia has made a very cute polar, with very mesmerising eyes.  Thanks for sharing with us girls!

Look at this fantastic Australian plate that has been created by Noah.  He has drawn a brilliant boomerang on it and then carefully coloured in a repeating pattern.  It looks truly stunning – well done Noah!

Wow!  This is a fantastic Australian plate created by Oliver. I really like the way he has used the Aboriginal tradition of dots to make his gecko. Thanks for sharing Oliver!

Look at this amazing Australian plate created by Johan.  It is evident that he has a real talent for drawing animals and it is hard for me to choose a favourite, as they are all so life like and drawn to scale.  Well done Johan and thank you for sharing!

Goodness me!  This paper plate created by Conor is magnificent.  He has really thought about incorporating several features of Australia, including the Aboriginal art of using dots and a Koala, which is holding onto a tree trunk.  This must have taken Conor a great deal of time and perseverance, but as you can see from the result, it was worth it. Thank you for sharing this with us Conor!

I love this paper plate made by Dominika. I really like her choice of colours and the patience she has shown doing a repeated pattern around the edge. Well done Dominika and thanks for sharing!

Wow! Look at this set of Aboriginal inspired paper plates created by Summer.  Each one has taken a great deal of time and patience to create and it would be hard for me to choose a favourite, but I really love the one with the hand.  Thank you for putting in such a lot of effort Summer!

I am loving this Kangaroo paper plate created by Emi.  As you can see she has drawn a perfectly proportioned kangaroo, which is not an easy thing to do.  Thank you for sharing this with us Emi!

These amazing Australian inspired pieces of art have been created by Diyonna and they both look incredible. I love the kangaroo , which is in perfect proportion and also the Aboriginal technique of using dots and dashes to tell a story. Thank you for sharing these Diyonna.

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