Christmas family Art workshops

Christmas festivities came to St Peter’s as we welcomed family and friends to our Christmas art workshops, in Year 3, Year 1 and Reception .  The objective was simple…have fun and enjoy creating art, while making memories with your child.  Everyone from grandparents to parents, aunties and uncles, cousins and friends engaged in a variey of arts and crafts, all with a Christmas theme.  Over one hundred ‘grown-ups’ attended  these  very popular events and we hope to do more art workshops in the New Year.

Great teamwork!

Nanny and grandad lend a helping hand.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Taking time to choose the right colour for the Cracker Christmas card.

Everyone is concentrating, while having lots of fun!

Wow! These lights look fab!

A super Christmas spider…and why not!

Drawing around each others hands to add to the Christmas wreath…what a great idea!

What a very long paper chain!

Everyone is proud of their creations…and rightly so!

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