Look at this pair of winter tree silhouette pictures, that George has created…I think they are terrific, don’t you? Well done George and thanks for sharing!
Oh my goodness! Edie’s atmospheric landscape painting is a real ‘work of art’. I get a sense that a storm is brewing and that the birds are trying to fly to safety. I’m not sure if that is what they ‘artist ‘ Edie was trying to convey, but that is my interpretation of this piece of art. Great work Edie!
Wow! Wow! Wow! This stunning landscape, created by Brayden has literally taken my breath away! I love the sense of perspective that he shown with the fence and the overall painting is very mesmerising. An absolute masterpiece. Thank you so much for sharing this with us Brayden
Gosh! This landscape that Finlay has created is truly wonderful. I absolutely love the way that the colours in the sky have run into each other, creating a fantastic evening sunset. Fabulous work Finlay – well done!
I love this winter landscape by Eddie. I particularly like the way that he has blended his watercolours for the setting sun. Wonderful work Eddie!
Patch has done an amazing job creating his winter landscape, especially the way he has create hues of green for the fields. Thanks for sharing this with us Patch.
Wow! What a truly sensational winter landscape Mostyn has created. I love the way that the colours in his vivid sunset are reflected onto the snow. The fence has been beautifully painted and tree add a distinctive feature… I feel I could write a story about what this tree has seen throughout his life! It also reminds me of a tree I have seen on one of my many walks. Well done Mostyn – great job!
This winter landscape by Oliver is very atmospheric. He has used water colour pencils to create the ‘moody’ sky and sunset and it looks amazing. Great work Oliver – thanks for sharing!
I think this winter landscape painted by Edie is simply stunning. It is clear to see the shadows created by the setting sun. Well done Edie!
Wow! This winter landscape by Jovril is absolutely awesome. You can see the winter sun reflecting onto the snowy fields, which is very effective. Well done Jovril and thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful landscape that Pheobe has created…the colours create a beautiful sunset with a snowy field. Fab work Pheobe!
Jack loved creating this winter landscape and his brother Harry (Year 2) also joined in, this is what their mum wrote, ‘They both wanted to give the year 4 task a try and really enjoyed it. They thought the paint blurring on the wet paper was great to watch.’ Great job boys and thank you for sharing it with us.
Jack’s winter landscape
Harry’s winter landscape
Well done Luke, your winter landscape is wonderful….I love it.
The children in school absolutely blew me away with these wonderful winter tree silhouettes. I think they are simply stunning…don’t you?