Year 2 Fox in the style of Horace Pippin

I really like this fox picture, by Eve.  It is clear that she has really taken her time to draw such a cunning fox, which looks truly delightful.  Thanks for sharing this with us!

What a truly wonderful fox that Caelan has drawn, in the style of Horace Pippin.  I particularly love the wood grain effect background – it look fantastic!  Brilliant work Caelan.

Hats off to the Bennett brothers again for their awesome art this week.  It is so uplifting to see them all doing art together…this image below really shows that art is a beautiful thing that can be shared and explored together….

….and the end results are so impressive and judging by Mason, Calum and Harry’s faces they are proud of their work too. A huge shout out to their mum for encouraging such creativity…well done done to you all!!

Just look at this marvellous fox that Molly has created.  The wood effect background looks very authentic and the fox looks like he is off for a stroll.  I wonder if he will bump into the Gruffalo?

This crafty fox picture has been beautifully created by Hallie and she has done an amazing job. The fox is very realistic and looks like he is just ready to pounce on his prey.  Well done Hallie!

My goodness!  This Horace Pippin fox by Max is magnificent! I can see he has taken his time  and I’m so glad he did because the end result is absolutely awesome. Thank you so much for sharing this with us Max.  

Wow! Noah really challenged himself this week, as he painted his woodgrain background.  He has done an excellent job of scraping objects into the wet paint and the effect is awesome.  On top of that he has drawn a fantastic fox. Simply stunning Noah – well done!

Oh my goodness….this pair of foxes are so cute…I love them!  It is clear that Bella has put a great deal of effort into these pictures.  Thanks for sharing them with us.

This splendid fox picture by Raffaella is simply stunning! Just look how carefully she has created the woodgrain for the background…and the fox is brilliant too, just like the fox on her top! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. 

Wow! Look at this excellent fox picture that Catherine created.  Someone at home has stuck a ‘Well Done’ sticker on it and I can see why…it’s great. Well done Catherine!

Matthew has done a fabulous fox picture, which looks wonderful.  Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

Oh my goodness! This is a brilliant fox by Alexander and the wood effect background is fantastic.  A first rate job…well done!

Just look at this wonderful picture that Ava has created.  The woodgrain effect and fox are simply super. Great work Ava!


Cohen has done an amazing picture with a fantastic fox.  Well done Cohen!

Maisie has created this marvellous picture of her fox on a wood grain background. The overall effect is awesome!  Thank you for sharing this with us Maisie.

The wonderful children in school worked so hard to create their fox in the style of Horace Pippin. First they had to make their woodgrain background and then they had to draw their fox and colour it with his trademark ‘splash of red’. They found it very tricky, but the end results are simply stunning! Well done everyone!

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