New Life Art Gallery

Wow!  Look at this adorable lamb created by Hattie (Year 2).  Her woolly coat is very fluffy and will keep her warm during the cooler spring evenings and she has a very cute face.  Thank you for sharing this with us Hattie!

Goodness me!  I am totally blown away by this self portrait  by Nell (Year 5).  She has captured herself as a baby perfectly.  Her mum drew the outline, but the rest of the painting is all Nell’s work and I think it is sensational.  I especially like the detail she has added in the folds of the blanket an how mesmerising  her eyes are.  This is a true MASTERPIECE Nell – thank you for sharing!


For their New Life challenge Josh (Year 6) and Emelia (Year 4) decided to do an observational drawing of this plant.  Their mum decided to join in and painted this fantastic picture on the left.  It has been very carefully drawn, with lots of great detail and looks suberb. Emelia painted this brilliant picture on the right and it is clear that she looked really closely while painting it because it is a awesome and reminds me of Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’.


Josh went slightly ‘off-piste’ and did an observational drawing of this model car.  However, he is totally forgiven because he has done a sensational job and it looks fantastic.  I can see that he has also looked very carefully at every detail because the finished painting is spot on! Stunning work Josh – very well done!  It is clear that this talented trio really enjoyed painting together.  Thanks for sharing!

Wow! It looks like Kester (Year R) has had an amazing time celebrating ‘New Life’.  What adorable looking cherries, with their cheeky faces and this amazing origami bird  is just brilliant.  Finally this fish is super cute with a wonderful smile.  Great work Kester and thanks for sharing!

This  New Life after coronavirus picture has been created by Vincent (Year 3). It is an image of people being together again and is very thought provoking.  Thank you for sharing this Vincent.

These stunning photographs have been taken by Oliver (Year 5) and Tommy (Year 4), while on a walk.  These tulips look fantastic and are a true sign that spring has sprung and that we are heading towards summer.  Thank you for sharing these with us boys!

Wow! Wow! Wow!  This stunning self portrait of Kian (Year 6) is a real joy to look at.  He has used the grid method to ensure he has the picture in proportion.  This is not an easy technique, but it is evident that Kian has taken his time and used a great deal of patience and I’m so glad he has because the end result is a true ‘work of art’!  Congratulations Kian on an amazing drawing and thank you for sharing.  I’m sure you will inspire others to try this technique!

This super cute chick sculpture has been created by Dillon (Year One).  He took his inspiration from Andy Goldsworthy and used stones from the natural environment. This is simple stunning Dillon – thanks for sharing!

Another Andy Goldsworthy inspired sculpture is this wonderful lamb created by Conor (Year 4).  It is clear that he has really taken his time to place every stone in the right place and I’m glad he has because it looks simply awesome.  Well done Conor!

Wow!  I love these glorious garden fairies made by Florence (Year 1) and her mummy. Florence  has been learning about plants and flowers and decided to make some fairy clothes and a card for her best friend. What a truly delightful idea and I absolutely adore their clothes.  Thank you so much for sharing this with us Florence…..and mummy!

Olivia (Year 4) has been looking for new life in her garden and taken photographs of a new sunflower which she is looking forward to watch  grow over the coming weeks. She also took  a photo of the wisteria that is just starting to flower, which looks beautiful.  Fab photos Olivia – thanks for sharing!

Oh my goodness I think Jasmine (Year 3) could open her own flower shop with these stunning creations! Just look at the time and patience she has taken to make them look so realistic and each one is unique…just like us.  Well done Jasmine your flowers are ‘BLOOMing marvellous!

For the New Life challenge, Kieran (Year 6) has created his own species, on the computer, which looks very cute. He has named his animal Skydra and he has ears like a bat.  Well done Kieran!


What an amazing pair of baby elephants, called calves, that Denzel (Year 1) has created.  He has used cardboard tubes and carefully painted them and the googly eyes make them look adorable.  Well done Denzel!

Look at this super cute lamb that has been drawn by Annabelle (Year 1). Thank you for sharing!


You may have seen, in an earlier post, that Christina (Year R) had planted seeds with her daddy, well in just a few days look how the are starting to grow.



The whole family are clearly keen gardeners and very good at it!  Their whole garden is a colourful celebration of New Life!   Thank you for sharing this with us – you may inspire others (like me) to do more gardening.


I wish I had a T-Shirt like this!  Caleb (Year 4) has made this as a celebration of New Life and as you can see there are lots of symbols of New Life as well as a nod the the wonderful work of the NHS.  Brilliant work Caleb and thanks for sharing!


Natalia was sitting on a chair for a very long time after her  home learning and trying to take photographs of her  new friend, which is this beautiful bird.  When  it kept flying in and out, Natalia was thinking that it is going to have a new baby as it appeared that the bird was  preparing and getting lots  of sticks and hay to build their nest for the new born baby . What amazing observations Natalia – this is what wildlife photographers spend a lot of their time doing too.  Well done for having the patience to take these fabulous photographs.


What a beautiful sketch of a baby, by Sabrina (Year 5).  I love the expression on the baby’s face.  Thanks for sharing Sabrina!

Wow!  Look at this stunning oil painting by Jonah (Year 3).  It is evident that he has really taken his time and carefully painted his tortoise, called Bean, hatching out of his shell.  A wonderful painting of New Life, Jonah – well done!


This cheeky chap is growing his ‘grass hair’ courtesy of Cian (Year 4).  While most of us need a haircut, this chap is just starting to grow his.  Hopefully, Cian will send an update and we can see what his hair looks like in a week or two!

How wonderful to see Alonso (Year 1) posing in the sunshine alongside his Andy Goldsworthy inspired sculpture.  What creativity to be able to take a few simple objects of nature and turn them into a work of art.  Bravo Alonso!

This amazing  picture has been created by Ishana (Year 4) and it is a true celebration of New Life.  I love the way that she has incorporated fantastic drawings alongside real flower.  The overall effect is brilliant.  Well done Ishana!

Wow!  What a busy bee… or should I say butterfly Maisie (Year 1) has been!  She did a wax crayon print from the bark of the  tree in her garden and then collected a few different shaped leaves which she also used to do a wax crayon print and  then she put them all together to make a tree.  What a great technique and I think it looks tremendous!


Maisie then went on to create this amazing caterpillar and brilliant butterfly using handprints – what a beautiful way to show New Life and the life cycle of the caterpillar to a butterfly…. but Maisie wasn’t finishes there….

…..all this artwork had given Maisie an appetite (a bit like the hungry caterpillar!) and she decided to have a New Life lunch by making her fruit and pancakes in to butterfly and caterpillar.   I’m sure there is not much of that piece of art left, but I’m sure Maisie’s tummy is full now!

Wow!  This is amazing!  The Burridge boys have been inspired by Andy Goldsworthy and created these spectacular sculptures.  During their daily walk, the boys stopped briefly and George (Year 3) made this Macca Pacca-esque using stones and I have to say it is remarkably like the real thing.  Meanwhile,  Henry (Year 5) and William (Year 3) created this stunning pine cone and dandelion spiral. They left them in situ in the hope they would make the next person to come across them, smile! Their mum also said that it was wonderful to be out in nature and the first time in a long time that they all really took time to experience everything with all their senses.  She also said that you can’t take a picture of most of our experiences but new life was evident all around us, from the numerous bird calls, the smell of the trees and plants, the sunlight dancing on the woodland floor and the suns warmth on our skin!  Well said Mrs Burridge and thanks again boys for sharing your sculptures.  Just as Andy Goldsworthy inspired you, you may inspire others – well done!

This piglet, made by Florence (Year R) is so adorable!  As you can see, he has been made from a milk carton and I just love his fluffy ears.  Thank you for sharing this with us Florence!

My goodness!  I absolutely love this fantastic New Life paper plate craft made by Humphrey (Year 1).  How clever he has been to make the bird’s nest using twigs and real leaves – is truly is a work of art.  Great work Humphrey and thank you for sharing!


What a beautiful celebration of New Life from Alfie (Year 5).  He has shown how New Life has ‘sprung’ into life in his garden with these lovely photographs….

….then he has planted his own apple seeds and a potato.  I can’t wait to see these as they grow…I hope you get a bumper harvest of potatoes!  Well done Alfie!



Wow!  I love this Andy Goldsworthy inspired art work by Fern (Year 5) to celebrate New Life.  This eternal circle of life is a great message for us all.  Thank you for sharing Fern!


Goodness me, Rafe (Year 1) has been busy creating again. Here is some art from Rafe with the ‘New Life’ theme. The picture of a blossom tree he made using his hand as the tree trunk and then used his fingerprint to dot the paint. I have to say that this is simply stunning!  A true work of art! Rafe has also  been planting since lock down and his sunflower seeds have already sprouted! He has also planted cherry tomato and strawberry plants  andd I look forward to seeing pictures of them as they grow.


Wow!  I’m loving this amazing Llama created by Faith (Year 6) and made completely out of paper.  It is absolutely brilliant and very life like…and it’s standing!  Very impressive origami skills Faith and thank you for sharing!

This tremendous tree has been crafted by Faith’s brother Luke (Year 2).  Not only has he sculpted it beautifully but he has painted it very carefully too. What a talented family you are!

This is an amazing celebration of New Life!  Max (Year 1) and Kiean (Year R) have been busy creating fantastic art work based on the lifestyle of a butterfly.  As you can see, they have made brilliant caterpillars inspired by Eric Carle’s book ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and then they have made marvellous butterflies.  It is clear they took their time and were really careful, but it was worth it because the end result is awesome!  Well done boys and thank you for sharing!

Look at this wonderful picture by Phoebe(Year 3) to celebrate New Life.  Both the chick and the elephant are so cute! Well done Phoebe!

  This egg that has been created to celebrate New Life is smashing! Emma (Year 4) read about the New Life symbols and then she drew this Easter egg which includes some animals and symbols that represent New Life.  Fab research Emma and a fantastic picture – thanks for sharing!

What a beautiful simple representation of New Life, by Isla (Year 6).  Some people may see dandelions as weeds, but I think they brighten up an area where they grow.  Thank you for sharing this Isla!

Wow! Niamh (Year 6) has demonstrated impressive photographic skills while taking photos of New Life in her garden.  The brightness and clarity of these pictures really shows the natural beauty of the world around us… we all need to stop and look around and appreciate our beautiful world.  Thank you for sharing these with us Niamh!

These two New Life creations have been made by Johan (Year 3).   I really like the way he has done a fabulous drawing, but enhanced it with real flowers and then the second picture he has used grass, clover and bluebells. What beautiful pictures – thank you for sharing Johan!


I adore these fantastic New Life crafts made by Noah (year 1).  Those two baby animals are so cute and there is a total celebration of New Life and Easter on this wonderful tree.  It is clear that Noah has worked hard on these crafts – well done.  Thank you for sharing!

Here we have Alana Year 4), with some super cute chicks and an egg, while her sister  Amelia (Year 1), with sheep and lambs.  Both are celebrating New Life and have been carefully crafted.  Fantastic work girls and thank you for sharing more of your fabulous art with us!

Wow!  I really love this Andy Goldsworthy inspired art work by Phoebe (Year 6).  It is a spectacular celebration of New Life and looks amazing. Well done Phoebe!

This is a stunning celebration of New Life created by Ruby (Year 4).  As you can see, she has incorporated several aspect of New Life and the overall effect is magnificent.  Thank you for sharing this Ruby!

This fantastic display of origami is the creation of Maddie (Years 5) and it is a true celebration of new life. I I really think her baby chick is brilliant.  Well done Maddie!

Islwyn (Year 6) wanted to draw baby animals for new life, so after looking at pictures on the internet he drew a cartoon style baby polar bear, which I think looks fabulous…. and very cute! Thank you for sharing this Islwyn!

 Mostyn also wanted to focus on baby animals, so after his research he  drew a Koala Bear on it’s Mother’s back. This looks fantastic and you have the proportions just right.  Well done Mostyn!


Wow!  Christina has been celebrating NEW LIFE by drawing this super cute puppy and then Christina helped her daddy and they planted some vegetables in their garden.  I hope they will send more photos as they start to grow!

This cute baby chick has been carefully drawn by Eva (Year 5).  Well done!



Oh my goodness…this is breath taking!  Hanna(Year 5) and her mum have created this magnificent cross full of beautiful flowers that are made out of air drying clay. They used green cardboard and Hanna’s mum was the one that cut out the cross shape. They  chose the flower as a symbol of resurrection just like Jesus resurrected and the earth wakes up in spring after winter.  This is truly a MASTERPIECE and it is clear that a huge amount of time and effort was put into it, but it was worth it as the result is truly stunning.  Thank you so much for sharing this Hanna…and mum!


I’m loving these pictures by Phoebe (Year 1), she drew herself as a baby and did her snuggle bunny and also did a lamb and his mother.  These are super cute and really well drawn! Well done Phoebe!

Wow!  It is clear that Carl (Year 6) and Jasmin (Year 2) have enjoyed celebrating Easter and New Life!  Here you can see they have done a range of activities, from painting eggs, to doing an Easter Egg hunt, making baskets and attending t the new plants springing into life in their garden.  Well done Carl and Jasmin and thank you for sharing this with us!

Here are  Georgia’s (Year 4), summer flower seeds springing into life!   I hope she will send an update when they grow a little bigger.  Thanks for sharing Georgia.


Caelan (Year 1) has been such a busy boy and has made a wide variety of arts and crafts over the last few weeks.  For his Easter, his grandparents gave him this fantastic flower press, so he chose a flower from his gardren and placed it in the press.  He had to wait for a week and then the flower was perfectly pressed.  Caelan then used the flower to make a thank you card for his grandparents – what a very thoughtful gesture.  Thank you for sharing this with us Caelan – I hope you will inspire others to try this!  If you don’t have a flower press you could use a heavy book.

Wow!  Look at this magnificent plant that Junior (Year 2) is growing.  I particularly like the way he has decorated the plant pot. Well done Junior!


Oh my goodness!  Look at all these fabulous plants that Seren (Year 6) is growing…I can’t wait to see what they look like when they grow a little bigger.  Thank you for sharing Seren!

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