Monthly Archives: December, 2022

Magnetic ice skater – Year 5 Kinetic art lesson

Creating a tiny ice skater that can magnetically skate around on a pond made this lesson seem magical. Our chidren created a wintery frozen pond diorama with a sense of space and fluffy snow texture, then drew their own miniature ice skater. Finally, a paperclip and magnet teamed up to give this kinetic art lesson movement.

The children did an amazing job and concentrated throughout the whole lesson – well done Year 5!

Christmas family Art workshops

Christmas festivities came to St Peter’s as we welcomed family and friends to our Christmas art workshops, in Year 3, Year 1 and Reception .  The objective was simple…have fun and enjoy creating art, while making memories with your child.  Everyone from grandparents to parents, aunties and uncles, cousins and friends engaged in a variey of arts and crafts, all with a Christmas theme.  Over one hundred ‘grown-ups’ attended  these  very popular events and we hope to do more art workshops in the New Year.

Great teamwork!

Nanny and grandad lend a helping hand.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Taking time to choose the right colour for the Cracker Christmas card.

Everyone is concentrating, while having lots of fun!

Wow! These lights look fab!

A super Christmas spider…and why not!

Drawing around each others hands to add to the Christmas wreath…what a great idea!

What a very long paper chain!

Everyone is proud of their creations…and rightly so!

Hampshire Design Studio…Creative Masterclasses

Hampshire Design Studio came to our school and delivered their ‘Creative Masterclass’ to twelve children.  They skilfully guided the children through a variety of engaging activities, including badge making, mug transfers and designing their own bespoke T-shirt.  All the children grew in confidence and gained new skills, which they will carry on using back in class…and may even teach their peers! As you can see, the end results are spectacular.  You can view the artwork yourself in the school entrance.  Thank you so much to Hampshire Design Studio – it’s a day we will never forget!



Facial expression snowpeople! Year 4

The children had great fun creating these snowpeople during their kinetic art lesson.  Each one has at least two expressions and with moving pipe cleaner arms they are able to really express themselves!  Have a look at a variety of the snowpeople below and judge for yourself how expressive the children have made them.