Year 6 Hawaiian Quilts

Traditional HAWAIIAN QUILTS feature a large symmetrical shape that has been cut from folded fabric and then APPLIQUÉD, or stitched along the shape’s contour, onto a larger piece of fabric. The radial design, or design that radiates around a centre point, is created much like a paper snowflake, which has been folded many times and
then carefully cut. The appliqué piece is generally representative of flowers, plants or fruits, which are all easily found in nature on the islands of HAWAII.

The Year 6 children were set the challenge of creating their own quilt, but out of paper that they had to paint to look like fabric. As you can see from the example – they rose to the challenge and did an exceptional job.

After that, they had to cut out intricate patterns and arrange them on coloured paper to represent a quilt.

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