Monthly Archives: July, 2021

Year 2 Andy Goldsworthy

The children created these stunning masterpieces, in the style of Andy Goldsworthy, using only natural materials.

Sea Angling Classic poster design competition

The children took part in this competition, which celebrates fishing responsibly, while also thinking about conservation of the seas and beaches.  

Here are a selection of the posters chosen to go onto the Sea Angling website, where people could vote for their favourite poster.



These are the four winning designs, chosen by St Peter’s:





These are the posters that polled the most amount of votes on the Sea Angling website!





Huge congratualtions to them and everyone else who took part.


Year 5 ….a piece of cake!

Artist Wayne Thiebaud’s iconic cake paintings sparked our Year 5’s  interests! Our classroom
was transformed into a bakery! They
drew a cake that looked 3D and then coloured the cake’s
outline with bright oil pastels. The children then  “frosted” their
cake with paint that was thickly applied with a plastic knife. They couldn’t believe how much the paint’s texture
looked like real frosting!

Yum! Yum!

Year 4 citrus slices

The children did observational drawings and paintings of slices of citrus fruit.  Not only did the art work turn out to be amazing, but the classroom smelled delightful too!

Year 6 Romero Crosses

In Year 6, at St Peter’s, we have been learning about Archbishop Oscar Romero. He worked in El Salvador. He spoke out against poverty and social injustice in the country. He spoke up for people who were getting no help or who could not speak up for themselves. He told the world about the terrible things that were happening in the country. He even went to Rome to tell the Pope.

In his sermon on 23 March 1980, Romero ordered the army to stop killing people: “In the name of God, and in the name of this suffering people whose cries rise to heaven more loudly each day, I beg you, I implore you, I order you, in the name of God, stop the repression!” The next day, a shot killed Romero as he said Mass. A UN report later found that Major Roberto D’Aubuisson, had ordered Romero’s death. Thousands came to the funeral.

The Year 6 children created their Romero crosses thinking about their life at St Peter’s, their new secondary school, their families and the church community.

Each cross is unique to the child who created it.

These crosses will be a gift to St Peter’s, from the Year 6 children, as a way of giving thanks for all they have learnt, while being pupils there.

The crosses will be blessed at the Year 6 Leavers Mass and will then be distributed among the classes at St Peter’s, for them to use in their class worship and liturgies.

“Walking hand in hand with God to make our world a better place”

Here are just a  small sample of the amazing crosses the children made.  Each one has been  carefully and thoughtfully crafted. 

Thank you Year 6, what a wonderful gift to our school…we will cherish them!


Year 4 Australian Dusk explorers

The Year 4 children learnt about the firflies of Australia and then, using this knowledge, created their ‘Dusk Explorer’ pictures.  The pictures show the silhouettes of people who have spent the evening gleefully ctaching fireflies in jar and using them as a light source.

I think they look tremendous…don’t you?

Year 1 Penguins attention! Penguins begin….

The talented Year One artists created these cute penguins, as part of their study about Antarctica.  The children then paraded them onto the field for our Carnival of the World.

Which penguin is the cutest?…..You decide!