Year 2 The Beautiful Blackbird

The children created their artwork based on the book ‘BEAUTIFUL BLACKBIRD’ by Ashley Bryan


Molly has done a magnificent job creating this beautiful blackbird collage. It is so colourful and I just love the wavy scissors that she used to cut the strips of coloured paper.  The overall look is amazing.  Well done Molly.

This beautiful blackbird has been carefully created by Ellie.  I think that the bright, vibrant colours look simple stunning! Wonderful work Ellie.

It is so lovely to see the stages that Alonso went through to complete his beautiful blackbird collage.  The end result is amazing.  Great work Alonso!

Wow! This colourful collage has been made by Alexander, and I have to say he has done it just brilliantly. The beautiful blackbird really stands out from the multi-coloured background.  Well done Alexander and thank you so much for sharing this with us.

Isabella has done an astounding job, creating her beautiful blackbird collage.  As you can see, the end result was truly amazing. Well done Isabella and thank you so much for sharing them with us!

Wow! Just look at these magnificent, beautiful blackbirds that Maisie and Megan have created.  This is what their mummy wrote, Maisie and Megan had a great afternoon having a go at recreating some artwork from Ashley Bryan. They drew the blackbirds themselves and then drew around a plate to make the sun. They then cut out strips of coloured card for the finishing effect! I hope you like them!’ Well girls, I don’t just like them I LOVE themThank you so much for sharing them with us!

What a wonderful, beautiful blackbird collage Bethany has made.  I especially like the pink egg that she has made and you can see that the blackbird is very protective of it.  Top job Bethany and thanks for sharing this!

Oh my goodness!  Another stunning piece of artwork by the wonderful Raffaella. What a bright, colourful collage.  Well don Raffaella and thank you for sharing this with us!

This is what the children, in school, produced….they loved this lesson and this shows in the fabulous collages they created…..


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