The following seven aliens have been sent on to me by Mrs Conlon from Reception children. Thank you for sharing them with us.
This pentagon alien has been created by Sofia
These amazing pink aliens nave been made by Josie
This fab alien is by Emily….
….while this one is by her sister Sophie.
Arthur Tidy made this alien, complete with spiky hair!
This super pink alien has been made by Bertie.
This trio of yellow 2D aliens have been made by Eva…Wow!
What a wonderful, red 3D alien that Seb has created. He has finished his alien with some very lovely yellow tissue paper hair. Fantastic Seb – well done!
I just love Willow’s groovy green alien, that is complete with triangular arms and legs and some super duper hair. Great work Willow and thanks for sharing this with us.
These friendly, shape aliens look like they would bring joy to any planet that they lived on. Emma has done a fabulous job creating them and I have tried to count all their eyes but keep losing count! Well done Emma!
Wow! Norbet has been busy creating two, very cool, shape and hand aliens. It is clear he has put a lot of effort into making them. I wonder what planet they are from? Well done Norbet and thanks for sharing!
Oh my goodness! This shape alien that Liam has created is totally awesome…I love it. I can see lots of 3D and 2D shapes, from the cylinder shaped straws to terrific triangles and sphere ears. What a totally amazing job Liam – thank you so much for sharing this with us.
What a truly terrific family activity this turned out to be for James, his sister and cousin. This is what his mum wrote, This is James’s Alien it ended being a family art project with his sister and cousin joining in. James is the first picture phoebe next then his cousin did 3D alien.’ I think the whole family are a talented bunch…thanks for taking part and sharing this with us!
Wow! What a truly awesome alien that Megan has create, using a paper plate. I love the triangular arms and groovy hair. Well done Megan!
I think this lolly stick Alien by Arianna is just terrific. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Oh my goodness! This alien that Krish has created out of Lego is simply amazing! What a super cool use of Lego. Well done Krish and thanks for sharing.
What a superb triangular alien Effrem has made, complete with rectangle arms and leg. Super cool…thanks for sharing this Effrem.
Wow! Look at this amazing alien that Katherine created. This is what her mum said…‘Katherine made a “king alien”🙂 for her art class this week, out of toilet roll. The orange bit on the side is his sceptre and the purple bit on top is his crown.’ Well done Katherine and thank you so much for sharing this with us.
The Reception children are learning about SPACE and are creating their own aliens. This is the aliens that we made in school today. They all look fantastic…why don’t you have a go?