Well, here we are with another Lockdown. I am so excited because once again I am going to be receiving lots of your fabulous art, as well as hearing your news!
I will be setting Year Group Art activities, during your usual Art PPA session. They will be sent to your teachers who will explain them to you. However, any questions and queries you may have please email me directly, as your class teacher will be dealing with lots of other things.
My email address is: n.pearson@stpeterswaterlooville.hants.sch.uk
Just like the previous Lockdown, if the activity I have set doesn’t appeal to you then just do another piece of art and send that to me. From collage to painting or printing to sculptures I just love seeing how creative you can be. Also, if you do the artwork set and then you do another piece of art then please send that to me too!
I will be keeping a list of the children that produce art for the Blog and there will be prizes and cerificates awarded to those who consistently send work to brighten up the Blog. I will also have an artist of the week in each Year Group.
Lastly, if you have any ideas or suggestions for art activities that you think your Year Group may enjoy, please let me know….at the usual email address n.pearson@stpeterswaterlooville.hants.sch.uk
That’s all for now =…..KEEP CREATING!
Mrs Pearson