Reception….Amazing Animals
Wow! Just look at this awesome creating James has made of his dog, Roly. I think it looks fabulous…
…and his sister Phoebe couldn’t resist joining in too. What a creative family – well done to the pair of you!
These are the wonderful animals that have been sent to Miss Deacon…I just had to share them with you!
Liam’s new invention…a chickmonk!
Rosabella’s Rainbow cat!
Dylan’s funky fish
Sophie’s lovely lion
Emily’s excellent Elmer the Elephant.
Year 3 Georgia O’Keeffe Watercolour Flowers
The children in school really loved this lesson and I have to say the end results were truly sensational!
I love the vibrant colours that Jonathan has chosen to colour is flower…it’s just like a rainbow flower. Well done Jonathan and thank you for sharing this with us.
I think this flower drawn by Jay is really beautiful. He has added some wonderful shading and tone to the flower. Top job Jay!
What a totally amazing flower, created by Gabriella. Well done – I love it!
Wow! This tissue paper flower by Evie is simply stunning! I just love it…it is so beautiful and very carefully created. Amazing work Evie and thanks for sharing.
I think this flower by Alice is totally awesome. The overall effect is very enchanting. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
What a clever drawing of a flower by Henry…You can just see the ladybird coming in to land on it. Great work Henry!
My goodness! This flower by Rheon is simply stunning…I love it! Thank you for sharing this with us.
Wow! What a brilliantly vibrant flower Sasha has made, using felt-tip pens. The colours are so vivid they really stand out and look terrific. Well done Sasha and thanks for sharing this with us.
Matilda has done an awesome job creating this Georgia O’Keeffe inspired flower, using coloured pencils. I just love it Matilda!
This sensational flower has been beautifully created by Luke. I absolutely love his choice of colours. Great job Luke!
Wow! Look at this impressive flower that Imogen has created. She and Hallie worked together over Teams…what a wonderful idea. Well done Imogen and thanks for sharing!
Oh my goodness – this flower created by Isla is so beautiful…I just love it. Great work Isla.
I am so impressed with this fantastic flower that Jamie has create, in the style of Georgie O’Keeffe. Simply stunning Jamie – well done!
Year 5 Space Themed Chocolate Bar
Look at Olivia’s sensational space chocolate bar advert.
‘Blast off the chocolate bar with popping candy – will pop you out of this world.’ You have done an amazing job Olivia, as it is very bright and eye-catching – Thank you for sharing it with us.
It’s nearly lunch time as I write this and I would love a piece of the moon bar for my pudding! I love the way Emma has incorporated a rainbow in to her design. Amazing work Emma and thanks for sharing the picture with us (I would have liked the chocolate too!)
Wow! This chocolate bar really does look ‘Out of this world’! It is really clear that Emelia has put a great deal of time and effort to produce this chocolate bar, but her hard work has paid off because it looks totally awesome! I wouldn’t be surprised if Cadburys wanted to make this! Excellent work Emelia.
Just look at this awesome chocolate bar design by Henry. This is what he told me: ‘This is my chocolate bar design. I got the idea from Star Wars. I created two characters to use in the Adverts. They are called Rocket ears and blue boy.’ Amazing work Henry and thank you for sharing this.
Introducing the Cosmic Bar…the chocolate creation of Georgia…It really does look and sound delicious. Great work Georgia and thanks for sharing!
Oh my goodness! I am writing this at lunch-time and I’m starting to feel very hungry. What an amazing name for a chocolate bar and the persuasive language really make me want to eat it. Well done Riya!
These are the amazing chocolate bars that we made in school. I’m sure you’ll agree that they are ‘Out of this world!’ Some of the children also did a poster or comic strip to advertise their new chocolate bar.
Year 1 Snowy Owls
Look at these wonderful snowy owls, that were made by the children in school…they’re super cool!
I just adore this snowy owl that Kiean has created, using cotton wool. It make the owl’s feathers look really soft and warm. Brilliant work Kiean.
Oh my goodness! This snowy owl by Chase is just spectacular! I just love the fluffy feathers that look so soft and those big staring eyes. Superb work Chase…well done!
Wow! look at this stunning snowy owl that Rozalia has created. The two pictures show the male snowy owl and then with a few extra dabs of paint has transformed into a female snowy owl. What a clever idea! This is what her mum wrote:‘Rozalia followed all the tips and made something she wasn’t completely happy with as she wanted a lady owl( as per information she had learnt from a fact sheet) and painted some dark spots on her owl and added some love hearts 🙄😀. Photos of both versions enclosed.’ Wonderful work Rozalia and thanks for sharing!
Oh my goodness – this super, cute owl that Christina created is just wonderful. I love the silver sequins on the background, which look like snow crystals sparkling in the sun! Christina was helped by her lovely sister Emma…well done both of you on a truly magnificent job!
What a totally awesome snowy owl that Freya created. I just love the way she has printed snow on the background using bubble wrap. Fab work Freya and thanks for sharing!
Wow! Just look at this super pair of snowy owls, created by Florence and her brother. Florence created the owl on the right and decided to make a female snowy owl, which is why she painted some of the feathers brown. This shows that she has really learnt the facts about these beautiful birds. Well done and thank you for sharing them with us.
Oh my goodness! What can I say… this snowy owl that has been created by Bailey is totally awesome… I just love it! It is clear to see that he put a lot of effort into this and by the look on his face he is rightly very proud of it too. Fantastic work Bailey and thank you for sharing it with us!
‘Team Bennett’ have been creating again and the end result is simply spectacular! Mason, Calum and Harry worked together to produce this terrific trio of snowy owls, who look so cute and fluffy. The boys should be very proud of their work and the fact that Harry isn’t even at school yet just shows what a talented family they are! Thank you so much for sharing this with us boys and encouraging more family projects.
Wow! What an amazing owl that has been created by Evelyn. This is what her mummy wrote, ‘We have had so much fun this morning creating our snowy owl. Evelyn decided to make the beak so it opened showing inside it’s mouth.’ You have done a fantastic job – thank you for sharing this with us.
Art Gallery for January
On this page I will be sharing all the art that the children have done at home, that is not part of the work I set.
This wonderful family have drawn an equally wonderful family of penguins…how adorable! Olivia, Amelia and their mummy all had a go…I couldn’t possibly pick a favourite…can you?
What a beautifully drawn penguin, by Rheon. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Oh my goodness! I just love this portrait of me that Alice has painted…I especially love my hair! Great work Alice and thank you for doing such an amazing portrait of me!
These sisters never fail to amaze me with their creativity and the variety of art and crafts that they produce is totally inspiring! Look at this beautiful peacock that Alana has made using blow pens. I have never used blow pens before, but after seeing this I want to give it a go!
Alana, then turned her hand to sewing and created these stunning flowerpots filled with colourful flowers…so beautiful!
Following in her sister’s footsteps, Amelia then made a unicorn…this is what her mum wrote, ‘Then it was Amelia’s turn to master sewing with her pink and purple unicorn, it took a while and she found it very difficult but she didn’t give up and her work paid off with a beautiful finished product.’ Great work Amelia!
Then Amelia was on to her next project, her mum wrote, ‘This is her first go at stained glass window Art, practicing on acetate sheets first before we try an actual glass.’ Brilliant Amelia I love the colours.
Below is Amelia’s final project of the week…her polar bear landscape in the style of Ted Harrison’. Amelia made one in school and then decided to do her own one at home as a ‘secret project’. I love the fact that Amelia is growing in confidence with her art and practising her skills at home. Amelia you are an inspiration to us all!
I absolutely love this colourful drawing of an eye by the very talented Liberty. It looks like it is looking straight at me…sensational! Thanks for sharing this with us Liberty!
Wow! Wow! Wow! These sketches by Edward in Year 4 literally took my breath away…they are simply stunning. The detail and the shading are totally brilliant…true masterpieces! Amazing work Edward, thank you so much for sharing them with us.
Oh my goodness! Just look at this spectacular drawing of a penguin by Matilda. It is clear to see that she has taken her time to produce this very detailed picture. Simply stunning Matilda – thanks for sharing!
Look at these amazing penguins that Maisie and Megan have created. This is what their mum said: ‘Maisie and her sister Megan really enjoyed creating paintings this week using different coloured paint and watercolours. They both decided to draw and paint a penguin first and then they painted a mountain background with a sunset behind.’ Great work girls and thank you so much for sharing these cute penguins with us!
Eva and her sister Katherine have created these amazing penguins. This is what their mum wrote… ‘Eva sketched the penguin that she had to do for her art in class this week and both girls drew a penguin from a YouTube video. Eva’s penguin was named Humphrey and Katherine’s- Sam.’ Great work girls and thanks for sharing.
Look at this super, cute pair…of penguins! Matthew and Neve have made these almost life size penguins, which are very adorable. However, I also like penguins of the chocolate variety!
These two sisters always produce fab artwork. As you can see Alana has made this amazing ice-cream that opens out to a huge mouth…very clever!
Llama drama! Look at this lovely Llama that Alana has created…there is a poem in these words I’m sure! It is clear to see that Alana has put in a great deal of time and patience to create this masterpiece and her family are rightly proud of her commitment to complete it Well done Alana on a fantastic achievement.
Meanwhile her sister Amelia has been keeping herself busy, creating works of art on her own.
This is her very own volcano, which is very well made…
Then she has done some sponge painting…which I just love!
Year 2 Polar Bears in the style of Ted Harrison
This amazing polar bear landscape has been beautifully created by Molly. I love the bright, vivid colours that she has chosen for the background and the polar bear looks very cute. Magnificent job Molly – thanks for sharing.
Wow! What a beautifully painted landscape by Humphrey. You can see that he has really thought carefully about his choice of colours… and the polar bear is wonderful too!
Congratulations to Cezara for creating this mesmerising polar bear landscape, complete with one of the cutest polar bears I have seen. Fantastic work Cezara!
Now, the artist responsible for this lovely landscape is Ava. I just love the way that some of the colours shimmer in the light. Thanks for sharing this with us Ava.
Oh my goodness! This polar bear landscape that Ellie has created is just superb. I love her choice of colours and her brilliant polar bear. Excellent work Ellie!
I just love the way that Bethany has created her landscape, using metallic paint and her polar bear looks so cute. Thanks for sharing this with us Bethany.
Wow! Just look at this spectacular Polar Bear landscape that Cohen has created. It’s huge! What a fantastic job you have made of it Cohen…well done!
Oh my goodness! Look at this brilliant polar bear by Neve. I think it is just perfect!
Year 6 Martin Luther King JR
I worked with such a talented bunch of children this morning and the artwork speaks for itself. They were so respectful of the plight of the American people and this came through in their art….Thank you Year 6, I had a marvellous morning with you.
I absolutely love the way that Louis has created this portrait of MLK. I particularly like the way he has used pointillism is his background – very striking. Well done Louis.
It is clear to me that Sabrina has dedicated a great deal of time and patience to her portrait of MLK. The end result is sensational. Thanks for sharing this with us Sabrina!
Matthew created this stunning portrait of MLK, which I have to say so is bright and vibrant that it really stands out. Top job Matthew.
Leo has been practising his digital art and has produced this wonderful poster, with important messages for us all. Well done for learning a new form of art Leo and thanks for sharing.
Oh my goodness! This MLK portrait by Isabel is magnificent, I especially love the bright, vibrant colours that she has chosen and the words show that his message is still important today. Great work Isabel and thank you so much for sharing this with us.
What a truly wonderful portrait of MLK that Liberty has drawn. I think that she has done a sensational job – well done!
Wow! This amazing MLK picture by Eva is truly remarkable. It is evident that she has taken a great deal of time over this and the end result is simply stunning. I just love the way that she has created the background using a variety of colours and pattern. Brilliant work Eva and thanks for sharing!
What a wonderful portrait of MLK by Harvey, which is surrounded by very thoughtful words. Great work Harvey.
I absolute love this MLK portrait by Marta. I particularly like the way that she has made the background in her own design. The jigsaw pieces are just genius and really shown how we are all linked together…simply stunning Marta – thanks for sharing!
I really like this MLK picture that Aaron has drawn because of his vibrant choice of colours. Great job Aaron and thanks for sharing.
I love the words that Daniella has chosen to surround her MLK portrait. I think the overall image is fab!
This brilliant MLK picture has been dawn by Anna. I love her choice of words and the colours that she has used. Great work Anna!
This is a fantastic portrait of MLK that Bradley has created and I think it is just awesome! Well done Bradley
Maddie has created this very thought provoking picture depicting the life of MLK. Very well done and thanks for sharing this with us.
Wow I’m really impressed by this portrait of MLK by Logan….simply stunning!
Oh my goodness! This masterpiece has been created by Roberta and I have to say it took my breath away!
The words and picture are extremely powerful…thank you for sharing this with us Roberta.
Reception …The Aliens are coming!
The following seven aliens have been sent on to me by Mrs Conlon from Reception children. Thank you for sharing them with us.
This pentagon alien has been created by Sofia
These amazing pink aliens nave been made by Josie
This fab alien is by Emily….
….while this one is by her sister Sophie.
Arthur Tidy made this alien, complete with spiky hair!
This super pink alien has been made by Bertie.
This trio of yellow 2D aliens have been made by Eva…Wow!
What a wonderful, red 3D alien that Seb has created. He has finished his alien with some very lovely yellow tissue paper hair. Fantastic Seb – well done!
I just love Willow’s groovy green alien, that is complete with triangular arms and legs and some super duper hair. Great work Willow and thanks for sharing this with us.
These friendly, shape aliens look like they would bring joy to any planet that they lived on. Emma has done a fabulous job creating them and I have tried to count all their eyes but keep losing count! Well done Emma!
Wow! Norbet has been busy creating two, very cool, shape and hand aliens. It is clear he has put a lot of effort into making them. I wonder what planet they are from? Well done Norbet and thanks for sharing!
Oh my goodness! This shape alien that Liam has created is totally awesome…I love it. I can see lots of 3D and 2D shapes, from the cylinder shaped straws to terrific triangles and sphere ears. What a totally amazing job Liam – thank you so much for sharing this with us.
What a truly terrific family activity this turned out to be for James, his sister and cousin. This is what his mum wrote, This is James’s Alien it ended being a family art project with his sister and cousin joining in. James is the first picture phoebe next then his cousin did 3D alien.’ I think the whole family are a talented bunch…thanks for taking part and sharing this with us!
Wow! What a truly awesome alien that Megan has create, using a paper plate. I love the triangular arms and groovy hair. Well done Megan!
I think this lolly stick Alien by Arianna is just terrific. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Oh my goodness! This alien that Krish has created out of Lego is simply amazing! What a super cool use of Lego. Well done Krish and thanks for sharing.
What a superb triangular alien Effrem has made, complete with rectangle arms and leg. Super cool…thanks for sharing this Effrem.
Wow! Look at this amazing alien that Katherine created. This is what her mum said…‘Katherine made a “king alien”🙂 for her art class this week, out of toilet roll. The orange bit on the side is his sceptre and the purple bit on top is his crown.’ Well done Katherine and thank you so much for sharing this with us.
The Reception children are learning about SPACE and are creating their own aliens. This is the aliens that we made in school today. They all look fantastic…why don’t you have a go?
PLANT ART Year 3 Observational drawings of Leaves
Oh my goodness! Look at this fabulous leaf drawing by Trinity. I think it is so beautiful… Well done Trinity.
Well done Henry for doing your leaf drawing. I can clearly see the extra detail that you have added to the observational drawing. Great job!
Wow! I think these leaf drawings and Venus fly trap drawing by Matthew are just superb. It is evident that he really took his time and as a result has made a fantastic detailed job. Brilliant Matthew!
I love the way that Darcy drew half the leaf from memory and half looking at it really closely. I can see so much detail in the one she studied closely. Great work Darcy!
It is clear to me that Eva looked very closely as she drew the bottom flower. There is an incredible amount of detail in it. Very well done Eva!
Jonathan has used his felt tips to draw his leaf and I think it looks fab!
I just love the colours that Joshua has used on this leaf and how detailed the bottom one is. Great work Joshua!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Look at this beautiful observational drawing by Jamie. I can clearly see that he has taken a great deal of time to create this masterpiece! Itis also evident that he really looked carefully at the plant as he was drawing it. Well done Jamie!
Thank you Frankie, for sharing these leaf drawings with us. They are fantastic!
Oh my goodness I just love these two drawings of leaves by Olivia. This clearly demonstrates how important it is to look at what you are drawing, as the leaf on the right is so much more detailed. Well done Olivia and thank you for sharing!
These impressive observation drawings have been done by Sasha and I can see that he has really taken his time. I especially like the way that he has written an explanation of his work. Thanks for sharing this Sasha!
These amazing leaves have been drawn by Matilda and they are very detailed. I love the way that she has cut them out, as it makes them even more realistic!
What a brilliant job Luke has done on his leaf drawings. It is clear that he has really taking his time to produce these amazing observational ‘works of art‘!
Well done Dexie for your fantastic leaf drawings
Wow! The children in school worked really well this lesson and carefully made observational drawings of their leaves. Everyone in class agreed that the closer you look at what you are drawing then the more accurate it will be. Have a look at their wonderful drawings.
…and these were our artists of the day
Varsha and Grace
Year 5 Pop Art inspired Space Art
Oh my goodness…this Pop Art picture by Olivia is absolutely awesome! This is what her mum wrote… ‘Olivia decided to colour in multiple astronauts that she printed off, and selected bright colours to make it pop art. Olivia also enjoyed adapting an autographed NASA astronauts photo that he dad had and putting filters on the photo’s in powerpoint to try and create a pop art look.’ How fabulous Olivia that you have really thought about this project and then created this ‘work of art. Very well done and thank you so much for sharing this with us.
Amazing Alien Alert! Emma has created a totally epic alien picture inspired by Andy Warhol and I think she has done a first rate job. I love her choice of colours, the patterns she has used and how each alien is unique. I think this looks like Andy Warhol could have made this himself! Thanks for sharing this Emma.
Oh my goodness! What a superb alien picture that Felicity has created. I absolutely love her choice of colours and the metallic card that she has used. It looks very funky – thanks for sharing this Felicity.
What a fabulous space picture Natalia has created. It is complete with an astronaut and some very friendly looking aliens! Thanks for sharing this with us Natalia.
My goodness what a spectacular pop art inspired piece of art that Emelia has created. I just love the 3D planets! Great job Emelia.
Wow! Just look at the fabulous Pop Art Aliens that Nikolas created… they are brilliant – thanks for sharing!
I really love this space scene that Emily has created. The colours are so vivid and the rocket is just brilliant. Thanks for doing an amazing job Emily!
Wow! What a truly magnificent rocket that Riya has created. It really looks like it is in flight… I wonder where it is going? Thanks for sharing this with us.
Georgia has created this amazing alien…who looks rather friendly.
Wow! Look at this sensational space picture that Grace has created….It truly is in the style of Andy Warhol!
Well done to Calin for creating this superb space scene. I particularly like the shadowing…Please tell me though…do we create shadows on the moon? I really don’t know?
This is what the children in school created during their art lesson. They hope it inspires you to have a go!
Oliver was our artist of the day with this stunning piece…
Why don’t you have a go?