Art during the Autumn Term

We have had a very busy start to our art lessons and  we wanted to share with you what each Year group have been up to: 

Reception Class

During the month of October, the children learnt about Mary, the mother of Jesus.  They then looked at a portatrait of Mary and drew a portrait of their mummy.  Their artwork is displayed in the hall to commemorate October being the month of Mary.

Year One 

Year One have been learning about their favourite colour and also about the primary colours – red, yellow and blue.  They learnt about  the artist Piet Mondrian and created their own piece of art based on his work.  While creating their masterpieces they also listened to ‘Boogie woogie’ music. Their magnificent artwork is displayed in the hall.



The children then learnt about the season of Autumn and about the changes in nature that we see during this beautiful, colourful season.  They then created an animal using leaves that had been collect around the school grounds.

Year 2

The children have beening learning about portraits and why they were so important in the past.  They also explored different mark making techniques, which will be useful when they come to draw their own self portraits later this term.

Mrs Porter then asked if the children would help create a display for the Library.  She wanted the children to create a firework display, linked to the book ‘The firework maker’s daughter.  The children made 2D and 3D fireworks using 2D and 3D shapes.


Year 3

We have been learing about Indian art.  The children learnt about the Indian festival of Hastimangala before creating the own 3D elephant.  

Trinty and Alfin’s elephants made it onto Mr Cunninghams WOW Work board – congratulations!

They then learnt about the importance of henna tattooing in the Indian culture and made their own henna designs for feet and hands.

Year 4

The children have been jewllery designers this term and created a dazzling array of jewllery using a variety of media from clay to paper plates!  They even made their own necklaces using paper beads that they carefully constructed. 

Year 5

We have been learning about Street Art and giving some very vocal opinions about it.  We discussed if it is always ugly and illegal or if there are times when it can be thought provoking and even enhance areas.  The children practsed different stylised writing, using letters and  colours which were eye catching.


Year  6

We have been focusing on Chinese Art this term and have looked at different brush strokes to ensure  we produce clean lines, as this has important significance in Chinese art.  We learnt about the ‘Four Gentlemen’ of Chinese art and had a go at creating our own artwork based on this these techniques.

Then we attempted Chinese calligraphy.  We learnt that this can take years to master, but as you can see Year 6 did really well with their first go!



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