Monthly Archives: October, 2020

Christmas Designs

Christmas  Designs

There has been an air of Christmas around the school during the past two weeks.  All the children have been very busy,  creating a Christmas design that can be turned in to cards, key rings, fridge magnet, gift tags and even wrapping paper!  I have seen the products and they are of an extremly high quaility.

The children all worked extremely hard and we even played Christmas music to get us into the festive spirit, even if, alas, there was no singing.  Now that the children have done their part it’s now over to you! 

If you would like to order any of the aforementioned items then please fill out the form on the back of your child’s deisgn. Kindly note the following:

  • Please ensure that you fill in your child’s name, exactly as you would like it to appear on the design.
  • Please can you put an X in the box to indicate the top of the design. I did do some, but time constraints meant I didn’t do them all, so if you could just double check then that would be fab – thanks.
  • You may see on the form that it says Does not work well: anything stuck to the paper….. I phoned and spoke to IQ cards before starting the cards, just to clarify and they are referring to cotton wool, googly eyes, glitter etc and NOT piece of card and paper.  I just wated to clear that up incase you read that and thought your child’s fabulous design may be ‘rejected’ at the printing stage!  I hope that puts your minds at rest.

Remember that ALL orders have to be received by FRIDAY 16th OCTOBER and your child’s design MUST be returned to their class teacher.  

A huge thanks to the Friends of St Peter’s for organising this event, as the funds raised benefit all our children at St Peter’s.

In other exciting news……

One design will be chosen for our school Christmas card and one design will be chosen, by Father Jeremy, to be sold at Sacred Heart Church.