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Wow! Wow! Wow! Just look at this totally awesome volcano that Rafe has created! This is what his mum wrote:
Rafe made this paper mache volcano out of newspaper. It took us a while but he is really pleased with the end result and has been playing with it using some of his mythical creatures. It’s his new ‘lava world’.  Well done Rafe…I think your creation is ‘out of this world’!  Thank you for sharing it with us!
Oh my goodness, just take a look at this amazing butterfly that Darcy (Year 4) has created.  This is what her mum has written, “Darcy has really enjoyed the art project this week. She has made a paper mache butterfly. It’s not just any butterfly….. its a double sided giant butterfly 🙂 It has been messy but incredibly fun!!!”  Bravo Darcy and thank you so much for sharing this with us!
Look at these fantastic ghoulish ghosts that Aaron (Year 5) has made.  I think their expressions are just fab…thanks for sharing Aaron!
Take a look at this beautiful flower that Emi (Year 4) has created, using newspaper.  It is clear that she has patiently and diligently cut very individual ‘petal’ and the overall affect looks stunning.  Thank you so much for sharing this with us Emi!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Fern (Year 5) has made it onto the cover of Vogue….and I’m not surprised! ‘Introducing Fern, who as you can see, is modelling her latest creation, a fabulous dress made entirely out of newspaper. It is clear that she has used her artistic flair to the full and I particularly like the detail around the collar…I think a career in the fashion industry may be beckoning!’  This is what the fashion world has been waiting for and as it says on the front cover, it is modelled by The most beautiful girl in the world… and I think it would be hard to argue with that.  Amazing work Fern and thank you so much for sharing this with us!
I love this spooky, haunted house that Sabrina (Year 5) has made, complete with newspaper ghosts. Brilliant work Sabrina and thanks for sharing!
Goodness me! These planets are totally awesome and these brothers have worked really hard all week to create them.  This is what their mum wrote: “Here are our  newspaper art work for this week. It has taken the boys from Tuesday, until Friday, to create their planets. They were very patient. Kian (Year 6) has done Earth, Dillon (Year 1) has done Saturn and Conor (Year 4) has created Neptune from paper mache.”  I am so pleased you persevered and had the patience to complete these planets because the end result is fantastic.  Thanks for sharing these with us!
Islwyn and Mostyn have really enjoyed the newspaper task.
Islwyn made a ‘Sausage dog’ pattern and Mostyn made some abstract patterns. Mostyn used columns from the paper, which looked like bookmarks. They have decided they are going to laminate them and tie some ribbon at the end to make them into bookmarks!  What a fantastic idea and thank you for sharing them with us boys!

Wow! This a an absolute MASTERPIECE! Lola (Year 3) has done an amazing job,  as it looks simply stunning.  This is what her mum wrote: “She has used her own magazines to cut out some ‘word art’ to form the statement ‘Art is Amazing, by Lola’. She has then added pictures from the magazines showing some of her favourite animals, celebrities and fruit! Finally, the background has been coloured in to form a rainbow!” Thank you so much for sharing this with us Lola!


These spectacular butterflies have been carefully made by Florence (Year R) and she has done a fab job because I think they look amazing.  This is what Florence said: ” Mum & I looked for ideas to make with paper & came across a video to make these butterflies. I picked some colourful pages from last week’s radio times to make them.” Thanks for sharing them with us Florence!

Wow! Just look at this! Amelia (Year 1) did a brilliant paper mache balloon Her mum says,  “She was amazed that when it dried and she popped the balloon the newspaper stayed in shape.  She made her own paper mache paste from flour and water as we had none at home..” Another new skill you have learnt Amelia…Well done to you and mummy and thanks for sharing!

Oh my goodness!  Just look at this truly stunning hat that Alana (Year 4) has made completely out of newspaper!  Alana skillfully moulded the newspaper into shape and then she  got to use her water mixable oil colours so she developed the new skill of  mixing the paint correctly  to get the right consistency.  Amazing results Alana!  It is just a shame that Ascot is cancelled this year as it would look fabulous there…maybe next year!  Thank you for sharing this with us.

 Denzel has been busy creating at home and he learned to make these brilliant boast with old calendar and I think that they are superb.  He is now waiting for it tos stop raining so that he can go outside and play with them! Fantastic work Denzel and thanks for sharing them!

What a beautiful flower that Emma (Year 4) has mad, using newspaper.  Equally beautiful is the message ‘HOPE’ that goes with it.  Thank you for sharing this with us Emma.

I love these ‘cute’ newspaper ghosts that Eva (Year 5) has made. Thanks for sharing them Eva!

Wow!  I think that this newspaper picture by Calin (Year 4) is simply stunning!  I know it has taken him a great deal of time and effort to create this ‘masterpiece’, but I’m so glad he did because the end result is just brilliant.  Thank you so much, Calin, for sharing this with us!

Goodness me! What a fantastic array of zoo animals that Tommy (Year 4) and Chloe (Year 2) have made.  It must have taken a great deal of time and patience to carefully cut them all out.  Well done – and thank you for sharing!

This stunning newspaper picture has been created by Emily (Year 5).  I absolutely love her use of translucent paint to add a beautiful sheen to her picture.  Bravo Emily and thanks for sharing!

Wow! Wow! Wow! I am totally blown away by this amazing newspaper picture that Johan (Year 3) has created…it truly is a Work of Art!  Everything from the tree, to the flowers and the sky are just fantastic.  Thank you so much for sharing this with us Johan – I’m sure that you will inspire others to have a go!

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