Animal MAGIC – Art Gallery


These pictures are truly a work of art! They have been created by Josh (Year 6) and Emelia (Year 4), using spray paints.  They have put in a great deal  of time and effort, but it well well worth it because the end result totally amazing.  Great work on the unicorn Emelia and the elephants Josh and thanks for sharing!


Wow! These painted stones, by Emily (Year 5), are totally amazing.  She has taken her time and very carefully drawn and painted them and I don’t know which is cuter…the dog or the unicorn…I can’t decide, can you?  Fab work Emily and thank you so much for sharing them with us

I just love the creativity that has gone into the making of this ‘Alien dragon’, by Luke (Year 2) . He has used sticklebricks and as you can see he has done a superb job.  Bravo Luke!

Oh my goodness! This picture of a tortoise giving a panda a ride, by Riya (Year 4), is simply adorable.  I just love the expression on the panda’s face.  Wherever they are going i think it’s going to take an awfully long time!  Great picture Riya and thanks for sharing.

Wow! Wow! Wow! These leaf animals are just simply stunning! Maksym (Year 2) has made the magnificent lion, while his sister Dominika (Year 4) has made this delightful bird.  I just love them!  Thank you for sharing them with us.

What a majestic lion that Amelia has painted, using just her fingers! It looks absolutely awesome – thanks for sharing this Amelia!

Sabrina (Year 5)  has been busy creating a ‘Minecraft Farm’ with lots of animals.  Can you spot them all? Thanks for sharing this with us Sabrina.

Look at these beautiful peacocks that Dillon (Year 1) and Conor (Year 4) have made.  As you can see, they used finger painting to created the fabulous, multi-coloured tails.  Brilliant work boys and thank you for sharing!


Kian (Year 6) has very cleverly morphed different animals together to create new mythical creatures.  Can you see what animals he has morphed together?  Wonderful creativity Kian – thank you so much for sharing this with us.

The Jordan family have enjoyed making these awesome origami farm animals.  Ethan (Year 4) Katie (Year 2) and Isla and Eve (Year 1) have worked together to make their own ‘farm family’. As you can see, they have done an amazing job…well done and thanks for sharing!

I love this picture of a turtle that Joe (Year 6) has drawn.  It’s very cute and extremely well drawn. Thanks for sharing!


Mostyn (Year 3) has done an amazing job with the animal magic challenge this week! This is what his mummy wrote: ‘Mostyn started drawing a rhino from a You-Tube video. He did two different versions, but then decided this was too tricky to transfer onto the brick!! He then drew a rabbit! We have been planting in our flower bed and when digging a hole for some lavender Mostyn dug up this huge brick! He decided he wanted to paint his rabbit on this! 🙈’  Wow! you have done a spectacular job Mostyn and I’m sure you have inspired other children to give these creation a try.  Thank you so much for sharing them with us!

This delightful seal has been made by Islwyn (Year 6) and really shows off his talent for creating crafts.  This is what he wrote:  ‘At the weekend I made a seal from felt. I cut out a pattern then sewed it together. I used a sewing machine for some of it and then a needle and thread for the rest. I chose a seal as I am in Seal Class!’  Wonderful work Islwyn and thanks for sharing!

These sisters have been busy creating again this week and this time they have painted these superb stones.  Eva (Year 5) has made this lovely ladybird…..

while Emma (Year 4) has made this terrific turtle. Both of them are adorable…thanks for sharing them with us girls!

This super, cute panda has been drawn by Aaron (Year 5).  As you can see, he has plenty of bamboo shoot to eat! Great work Aaron!

Just look at this stunning picture that Lola (year 3) has created.  This is what her mum wrote about it: ‘Lola’s ‘animal inspiration’ comes from the fact that during our daily walks, we go and say ‘hello’ to a number of horses that are kept in fields local to us. We don’t know any details of these horses, however, Lola has fallen for each of them, even giving them names; Bella, Blaze, Buttercup, Blacksmith, Blueberry, Bonnie and Beauty. Lola’s picture is of ‘Blaze’ who has a stripe across her left shoulder. The rainbow reference relates to the Covid 19 crisis and that we remain forever hopeful!’  What a totally brilliant reason for your artwork this week Lola.  Thank you for sharing this with us Lola…and mum!

What an absolutely amazing lion mask that Hattie (Year 2) has made, using a cardboard box.  It looks totally awesome and I love the detail that she has added to the face. Well done Hattie and thanks for sharing!

Wow! Look at this spectacular drawing and painting of a lion by Alana (Year 4).  After drawing the lion she then finger painted the mane on.  Is there no end to Alana’s talents?! Thank you for sharing this with us!

 William has got a very vivid imagination and have come up with this amazing animal. He  has created a Dragat, which is a cross between a dragon and a cat. It lives in a volcano that shoots out lava. It eats meat but not humans… Phew! Thank goodness for that!  Fantastic drawing William – well done!

Meanwhile his brother George (Year 3) has drawn this spectacular,  super fierce fox using his favourite colours. He has used oil pastels, which make  the colours really vibrant.  Brilliant work George and thanks for sharing!


This is a very impressive drawing of a Great White Shark by Noah (Year 4).  He is fascinated by them and has been watching lots of documentaries about them with his family.  As you can see, Noah has included lots of detail in his drawing.  Bravo Noah and thanks for sharing!

I just love this! Ben (Year 3) has painted a mythical creature, which is based on one of his  favourite toys called Stuffy. However, he  has added some wings to him and he looks superb.  I wonder where he would fly to on his first adventure? Well done Ben and thanks so much for sharing this with us!

What a spectacular Phoenix  that Calin (Year 4) has drawn.  It is very detailed and he has coloured it really carefully.  Top job Calin and thank you for sharing!

Oh my goodness!  Just take a look at these super cute penguins that Florence (Year R) has made.  Don’t they look fabulous?  She made one for herself and then kindly made one for her brother so that they could play with them together…what a very kind sister.  I bet they had fun!  Well done Florence and thanks for sharing!

I absolutely love Darcy’s imagination…she has created her own animals by putting two animals together.  Can you guess which animals she has put together? I think she has drawn and coloured them really well and added lots of detail.  Fantastic work Darcy and thank you so much for sharing these with us!                                                                                  (Answers: Giraffe and a butterfly; snake and a swan; duck and octopus)

Aimee (Year 3) and Sofia (Year 1) have been very busy making even more awesome artwork. As you can see, they have made an array of amazing animals which are all very delightful.  Great crafting girls and thank you so much for sharing!

Alfie (Year 5) has made a fantastic  dinosaur model, which he has  named is Skelabone. Alfie got this amazing dinosaur book as a present and the dinosaur was flat packed in the book and Alfie took his time to carefully construct it and put it altogether.  As you can see he has done a splendid job…  Bravo Alfie!

This magical, mythical unicorn has been drawn by Catherine (Year 1) and I think it looks awesome! Did you know that the unicorn is the national animal of Scotland? Amazing drawing Catherine and thank you for sharing!

Look at this amazing drawing of a Bombay cat by Brayden (Year 4).  Not only has he drawn the cat beautifully, but he has also done a great background. Fab work Brayden and thanks for sharing!

This fabulous bird has been carefully coloured by Joseph (Year 5) and really does look stunning. Well done Joseph!

Wow! This multi-coloured gorilla has been brilliantly coloured by Luke (Year 3) and it is clear he has done a truly outstanding job.  Thanks for sharing Luke!

Humphrey (Year 1) has drawn this magnificent lizard that he has called ‘Spike’.  I can see that he has really taken his time to carefully draw the detail on the lizard and the end result is amazing.  Great work Humphrey – thanks for sharing!

Wow! Look at this brilliant butterfly stone that Evie (Year 2) has made.  As you can see, she has carefully painted it and added glitter so that the overall effect is just amazing!  Well done Evie and thanks for sharing.

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