Monthly Archives: June, 2020

The Great Getaway – Art Gallery

Well, not only does this pirate ship and treasure chest picture look amazing. but it actually moves!  The ships sails across the ocean to reach the treasure.  The artist is Islwyn (Year 6), who is a regular contributor to the Art Blog and this is another stunning piece of art. Brilliant work Islwyn and thank you for sharing this with us.

Wow! What an amazing aeroplane that Calin (Year 4) has drawn.  He has really taken him time and added lots of detail.  Top job Calin and thanks for sharing!

Wow!  What a totally amazing boat that Phoebe (Year 3) has made.  I love the sea colours that she has chosen to decorate it with.  Bravo Phoebe and thank you for sharing this with us!

Every week these brothers do the Art Challenge and each week they blow me away with their creativity.  This week they decide to use LEGO and create vehicles that go on land, sea and in the sky.  Here is Kian (Year 6) with a brilliant boat, which he has carefully made with lots of added features….

Next is this amazing hot air balloon by Conor (Year 4), complete with the basket to carry the passengers….

Last and by no means least is Dillon (Year 1) who has made this terrific truck, with wonderful wheels and windows.  Well done boys and thank you so much for always rising to the Art challenges!

Oh my goodness!  This aeroplane by Aaron (Year 5) is just spectacular. It has been so well drawn and painted  – I love it! Fantastic work Aaron and thank you so much for sharing this with us!

Oliver (Year 5) and Tommy (Year 4) have created a wonderful array of vehicles, using LEGO and I think they look fantastic.  Well done boys and thanks for sharing!

Goodness me Eva (Year 5)  never fails to amaze me with her amazing artwork and as you can see, she has done it again with these fantastic drawings of a bus and car. What a talented artist – thanks for sharing Eva!

Wow! Another outstanding piece of artwork by Emma (Year 4).  This week she has created this amazing 3D car.  I think it looks truly spectacular….I would like a car just like this! Thank you so much for sharing this with us Emma. Both sisters were ‘helped’ by Honey their cute cockatiel.  I think these photos  with Honey perched on their heads are just brilliant…it looks like a hat that I would wear to Ascot!

Sabrina (Year 5) has done a splendid job creating this spectacular home on Minecraft.  Well done Sabrina and thanks for sharing!

What an absolutely amazing travelling circus that Emi (Year 4) has created.  I know it took her a great deal of effort, but I’m so glad she persevered because the end result is astounding! Fantastic work Emi and thank you for sharing this with us.

I’m so impressed with this brilliant bicycle that Humphrey (Year 1) has drawn. He has really taken his time and added a lot of detail.  Well done Humphrey and thanks for sharing!


Goodness me!  Look at this incredible vehicle that Riya (Year 4) has made entirely out of Lego.  She must have a great deal of patience to make such a spectacular mini-bus, complete with lights…I LOVE IT!  Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

Wow! Wow! Wow! This is an edible ‘work of art’!  I am writing this before eating my dinner and my mouth is watering and my tummy is rumbling! Olivia (Year 4) has made this spectacular London bus cake and it looks totally awesome! This is what her mum wrote: ” We used lots of different sweets to decorate the bus including – Smarties for headlights, chocolate buttons for people, Oreo cookies for the wheels, White milky bar for the windows and cola laces. We had a lot of fun creating this and lots of left over sweets to eat 😀
Now we need to try the cake ”   What a talented baker…I’m sure we may see Olivia on Great British Bake Off in the future!  I’m just disappointed that I can’t sample this delicious looking cake!  Thank you so much for sharing this with us Olivia!

This fantastic bus has been drawn by Brayden (Year 4). What a wonderful job he has done and I particularly like the way he has carefully added the wheels and doors.  Bravo Brayden and thanks for sharing.

This is splendid! Mostyn (Year 3) has done every Art challenge and completed them to a high standard and this one is no exception. He decided to make a moving picture with a pirate theme! The pirate boat sails across the ocean! What an inspiring idea Mostyn – I’m sure this will encourage others to have a go.  Thank you for sharing this with us.

Goodness me!  Look at another creation by the amazing Alana (Year 4).  This time she has gone all out and created this brilliant London bus, complete with wheels and windows. Just imagine all the sights you could see travelling around London on a bus like this.  Spectacular work, as always, Alana – thanks for sharing!

This bicycle is simply stunning! Emily (Year 5) has done an amazing job of making and constructing this bike.  As you can see, she has taken a great deal of time and patience to make and the assemble each part of the bike.  I also love the colours that she has chosen for her background.  Bravo Emily and thanks for sharing!

Wow! William (Year 3) has done a truly spectacular job in drawing of his favourite car, an AUDI R8.  As you can see, he has put a lot of detail into it and it is one of my favourite colours for a car.  Wonderful work William…thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Oh my goodness!  This surfer’s van, complete with a surfboard on the roof, is amazing. It is clear that George (Year 3) has spent a long time creating it as it looks sensational!  Brilliant work George and thanks for sharing!

Reception are in SPACE!


We started our space topic this week by getting creative and making a night sky, that we will add to during the topic.  As you can see, we had great fun using silver and gold paint and GLITTER to make the sky at night!

We put our night sky on our Learning Journey board and added  space themed crafts that we made during discovery time.

There are rockets made from 3D shapes, such as cylinders and cones.

We made 5 little men in fantastic flying saucers, using pipe cleaners and tin foil.


We listen to a story about how colours can show our emotion and then we made our own ‘Emotion Aliens’. The Yellow alien shows happiness, while the pink alien shows love.  Thankfully no one made a blue Alien which shows sadness.


Art Challenge:  The Great Getaway! TRANSPORT

I do hope you are all managing to have FUN IN THE SUN while staying safe!

It has been a busy week for me.  I went on two long walks on Saturday.  The first was along the seafront all the way to Old Portsmouth. It was great to see so many boats and ships on the water and we enjoyed strolling along by the edge of the water.  I did think about swimming but it was far too cold! Later that day I went for another walk.  This time it was all around Langstone and I saw a mummy duck with seven ducklings…they were very cute!

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed art work this week. It was incredible to see all the wonderful things you created to celebrated the Feast Days of The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the upcoming Feast Day of St Peter and St Paul.  I would like to share the art work produced by the MARPLES family:

This is what their mum wrote about it: “We discussed the feast days during June and decided to focus on St.Peter. The boys wanted to do something together and I joined in too. As they are missing school so much they decided to create the school badge. We all did a quarter of the badge each using whatever media we wanted to. We used paint (again, we did not have the colour paint we needed) and mixed red, blue with a little white to get the purple colour. We also used crayons, felt tips and colouring pencils. Everyone chose a different media combination.” Wow! What a talented family and a fitting tribute to St Peter. Well done Kian, Conor and Dillion…oh and of course Mum!

I feel we should congratulate Liverpool on winning the Premier League, but as you know, it is Mr Cunningham’s favourite football team.  I saw this sign and immediate thought of the staff at St Peter’s and all the families…we will hear about this for a long time to come!!

The title for your art this week is The Great Getaway! TRANSPORT.  This can take the form of a drawing, a painting, a sculpture, a collage or anything else that you would like to create. As always, I’m sure you will impress me with your creativity!                                                                                                                     

Here are some ideas:

CHALLENGE:  Design your own vehicle, maybe one that flies and can float on water!

However, if this doesn’t appeal to you then you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.                                                                                                                                                                 

Please email your artwork to me:

Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson

Sweet shop and Habitats!

This week we turned the Reception area into a sweet shop

Here are some of the staff and customers

The classroom became a sweet factory and new sweets were designed, by our top ‘confectioners’.  Mrs Pearson came up with the ‘great’ idea of vegetable lollipops, such as carrot, beetroot and spinach.  However, the children weren’t too keen on that idea and came up with their own ideas.  Among my favourites were a mermaid ice lolly, a unicorn ice lolly  and a refreshing watermelon and popping candy ice lolly…yum!

Here are a selection of our sweets and lollies.


We have also being learning about habitats.  We read the Gruffalo together and then searched for the right materials to make homes for the mouse, the fox, the owl, the snake and of course the Gruffalo!

Feast Days Art Gallery

This is an amazing piece of art, which has been brilliantly drawn, is by Ryan (Year 3).  It is about Jesus telling Peter to cast his net over the opposite side of the boat and then he gets a net full of fish.  A fitting tribute to our St Peter’s celebration Ryan – thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Wow!  Look at all this fabulous Artwork to celebrate the Feast Days of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St Peter & St Paul.  Miss Stapley and her children spent a pleasant afternoon making these ‘works of art’.  They have done a splendid job and I look forward to seeing what other art they produce.  Thank you for sharing these with us!

Reception children learnt all about the Feast day of St Peter and that he shares it with St Paul.  They looked at the keys on their uniform and then painted their own…. I have to say, they did a fantastic job!

Goodness me! These fabulous keys are a true ‘work of art’ and I love them! Islwyn (Year 6) and Mostyn (Year 3) have put a great deal of time and effort into creating them…and I’m so glad they did because the end result is simply stunning! The messages, which rhyme,  are so thoughtful as well.  Amazing work boys and thank you so much for sharing them with us!

Wow! Just look at this terrific terracotta plant pot that Louis (Year 5) has carefully painted.  Once he has sealed it, he will put the cactus he has bought in it.  Bravo Louis and thanks for sharing!

Aaron (Year 5) has created this amazing picture.  Can you spot the crosses on his shoulders? Brilliant Aaron – thanks for sharing!

Wow! I just love all the artwork this family produces…and they do something fantastic every week! This creation by Emma (Year 4) is the ‘Key to Heaven’ which is a symbol of St Peter. Look how carefully she has made it – complete with a ruby gemstone at the centre.  Simply stunning Emma! Thank you so much for sharing this with us….


…then Emma’s sister Eva has created this beautiful Sacred Heart of Jesus and selected all her favourite colours while carefully colouring it it.  It looks spectacular Eva – thanks for sharing!


Florence (Year R) has been busy creating again.  This week she has made this fantastic Sacred heart of Jesus, using multi-coloured Pom-poms, which looks totally awesome.  She is going to hang it in her bedroom.

Then Florence made this funky Narwhal card to give to a friend for their birthday. It looks like Florence had a lot of fun creating these – thanks for sharing them with us!

Wow!  The amazing Alana (Year 4) has been hard at work creating again!  This time she has created the Sacred Heart of Jesus, using a mixture of collage and painting.  I think it is truly stunning and a beautiful piece of art.  Thanks for sharing more of your art with us Alana – I’m sure you will continue to inspire others to ‘have a go’!

Just look at this incredible picture that Ben (Year 3) has drawn to celebrating the Feast Day of St Peter and St Paul. I absolutely love the detail he has put into his drawing. Great work Ben and thank you so much for sharing this with us.

Wow!  I think this heart that Emily has created is just beautiful.  As you can see, she has carefully woven it with different shades of pink so that the overall effect is amazing!  Well done Emily and thanks for sharing.

This fantastic piece of art has been created by Oliver (Year 5) and celebrates the life of St Peter.  This is what Tommy  told me: “I enjoyed to make up this art, I searched my house for keys. I found four perfect keys for my work.” I think it looks fab – thanks for sharing this with us!

Tommy (Year 4) has carefully drawn and coloured this brilliant picture, which depicts the life of St Pete,r who is the Patron Saint of Fisherman.  I am very impressed with how well it is drawn.  Bravo Oliver and thank you for sharing!

Art Challenge Feast Days

I hope you have all had a good week – hasn’t the weather been funny? I think we have had all the four seasons in one week! 

The saga of my garden continues…As many of you will know I only started gardening during ‘Lockdown’ and many of you have kindly sent me advice or photos to help me.  I just have to share these photos from the Hirmiz family that have inspired me to keep going:

Aren’t they fabulous! I particularly like the strawberries and that groovy Flamingo! Mrs Hirmiz told me; “The last picture is a plant with pink flowers called Pelargonium graveolens.  This one we used to have in Iraq we put the leaves with tea, it gives a very nice flavour to it.” Now, that does sound delicious! 

I was telling Lillian in Reception all about my garden on Monday and she kindly brought me in 3 tomato plants.

I will keep you up to date with how I get on with them!

Back to business:

Art Challenge Feast Days

We have two important Feast Days in our Church calendar for June.  The 19th June is the Feast of the Sacred Heart and 29th June is the Feast Day of St Peter and St Paul.

For your art challenge this week I would you to do a creation linked to either of these Feast Days.   

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is an object of devotion and always falls 19 days after Pentecost.

As you know, St Peter was given the ‘keys to heaven’ by Jesus and was our first Pope and in Matthew Ch16v18 Jesus said And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church.’  He is also the Patron St of fishermen. St Paul changed from not believing in Christianity to spreading the word through the letters that he wrote. Naturally, he is the Patron St of writers.

Ideas to inspire you:

Alternatively, you could do artwork to do with the Patron St that you have been linked to in school (England St George; Scotland St Andrew; Ireland St Patrick: Wales St David), or the Patron St of your home country.

However, if this doesn’t appeal to you, then you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.

Please email your artwork to me:

Thank you.

Take a look at a book, poem or rhyme: Art Gallery

Mostyn (Year 3) has done this awesome picture of Captain Underpants, which is his favourite book.  His drawings have really improved over the weeks and this is no exception! Bravo Mostyn!

Mostyn’s brother Islwyn (Year 6) drew Hagrid from Harry Potter and I think he has done a spectacular job. Their mum told me:
“We are reading Harry Potter together at bedtime and both boys took it in turns to read a couple of pages out loud, which we have continued to do most evenings.” That is amazing – what a family!

Just look at this magnificent map that Humphrey (Year 1) created, which shows the journey the Stickman took throughout the book.  I particularly like the image of the Stickman being chased bu the dog and the one where he is floating in the river. Amazing artwork Humphrey, as always, and thanks for sharing!

Wow!  Look at this incredible Incy Wincy Spider that Amelia (Year 1) has created.  What makes this all the more impressive was that  Amelia did this ALL BY HERSELF WITH NO HELP.  Bravo Amelia and thank you for sharing this with us!

I am really impressed with this amazing puppet that Alfie (Year 5) has made, based on the Fortnite games and books. It is clear that he has really taken his time to carefully draw and colour the character.  Well done Alfie and thanks for sharing!

These sisters always produce outstanding art work week after week and this time is definitely no exception as these crafts are terrific! Eva (Year 5) has drawn and coloured this fabulous cartoon ‘Harry Potte’r and also made Hermione Granger cardboard roll figure. Both are brilliant Eva – thanks for sharing!…

…Eva’s sister Emma (Year 4) put a great deal of time and effort creating Eva the Owl, from the book Owl Diaries, which is written and illustrated by Rebecca Elliott.  As you can see, Emma carefully made the owl out of clay before diligently painting it with lots  of bright, vibrant colours.  Bravo Emma and thank you so much for sharing this with us!

This sensational pirate ship and  seascape has been created by Lola (Year 3).  She always puts a great deal of effort into her art projects and has really excelled this week.  This is what she wrote:   Hi Mrs Pearson this is my art work for this week I have watched all of the Pirates of the Caribbean  and wanted to make a pirate boat myself.I did it using an old shoe box and then painted it pink, then my dad found a pole in the garage. He chopped it in half and put a hole in the boat and stuck it through. Then we found fabric and folded it up, and we put a bit of string through it and put a screw in the pole and tied the string round it. Next we made a steering wheel and put ribbons under it to make the sea and put Katirina on the boat and placed the mermaids and the shells around it. Fantastic work Lola and thank you so much for sharing this with us!

Calin (Year 4) has brilliantly drawn the  front cover of the book ‘The Everything Machine’.  Interestingly, the author Ally Kennen is also the illustrator.  Thank you so much for sharing this with us Calin.
Adam (Year 2) has worked hard on his tracing skill and traced this superb front cover from one of the Timmy Failure books by Stephen Pastis.  Very well done Adam and thanks for sharing.
This is Jake’s (Year 5) drawing of a Tom Gates book cover and I think it is truly  awesome.  As you can see, he has really taken his time and carefully drawn and coloured it in.  The end result is amazing.  Thank you for sharing this with us Jake.

This fabulous drawing of Lucy Pevensie  is from the Chronicles of Narnia books and has been drawn by Sabrina (Year 5). Well done Sabrina and thanks for sharing!

Florence (Year R) always works very hard on her art challenges and this week is no exception! She has done this brilliant collage of her favourite book Sarah and Duck by Sarah Gomes Harris.  I think it looks sensational – thanks for sharing this and all your lovely artwork with us Florence!
Wow! This is a beautiful painting that Trinity (Year 2) has painted.  It tells the story of a parrot and her babies.  Just look how carefully she has painted it and how much detail she has added. Wonderful work Trinity and thank you so much for sharing this with us!
This is a very detailed drawing by Brayden (Year 4), which looks amazing He chose to do a scene from the  Dr Who book  – Paradox Lost and I think he has done a brilliant job. Well done Brayden and thanks for sharing!
The owl and the Pussycat is one of my favourite poems, so I was really pleased that Emi drew this fantastic pussycat.  I especially like the way that she has drawn the eyes…which isn’t easy to do.  Great work Emi and thanks for sharing this with us!
This is an impressive piece of STREET ART that Aaron (Year 5) has created.  This one small word evokes so many feelings.  Thank you for sharing it with us Aaron.
 These bookmarks that the Marples brothers have made are just outstanding! This is what their mum wrote: After a long discussion the boys wanted to do something ‘Harry Potter’ based and we stumbled upon how to make book marks inspired by the houses (ties) in Harry Potter. We didn’t have the exact coloured pieces of card so, as always, we made do with what we had. So the finished products are the boys choices based on the ties from Harry Potter. It took a lot of patience but they persevered.  Boys I’m glad you persevered because they are amazing…thanks for sharing!

Goodness me! Look at this wonderful talking witch’s hat, from Harry Potter, that George(Year 3) has made.  It is clear that it has taken him a long time to do, but I’m so glad he persevered because it looks sensational! Bravo George!

Wow! Just look at this marvellous Harry Potter that Pheobe (Year 3) has created.  As you can see, she has done an amazing job and it looks just like Harry himself! Wonderful work Pheobe and thanks for sharing!

Art Gallery Week beginning 15/08/20

I think that this lion that Evan (Year 3) has created it totally awesome!  It is fantastic that he has used leaves to make the mane.  Brilliant work Evan and thanks for sharing!

Wow! Just take a look at this sensational elephant that Liberty (Year 5) has created. What a wonderful choice of colour and pattern.  Well done Liberty and thanks for sharing!

Art challenge…Look at a book…or a poem..or rhyme!

Hello everyone…. thank goodness it’s Friday!…BUT, what has happened to our beautiful sunshine?  I nipped out to the shops this morning and got absolutely soaked. It didn’t help that I had a hole in my boot and so I had a very soggy sock by the time I got home!

However I hear that it will be dry and sunny this weekend, so I’m hoping to get out on my bike again…fingers crossed! 

If you hadn’t noticed, I have some new memojis that my son, Andrew, has created for me, so I am using them all the time at the moment!

Well let’s have a look at this week’s challenge….

Art Challenge

For this week’s Art challenge I have separated it into Key Satge One and Key Stage Two…as always have fun creating!

Key Stage One

For your art challenge this week I would like you to do a creation linked to a Nursery Rhyme or book.  This could be a collage picture of Humpty Dumpty made out of egg shells, a wanted poster of the Big Bad Wolf, or the witch from one of my favourite books, ‘Room on a Broom.’  You may even do your art in the woods, such as leaving the Gruffalo’s footprints or make a small stick house. It can be a picture using any materials or a 3D creation.  Let your fantastic imaginations go wild!                                                                                                                                                                                                                     WOW! CHALLENGE:  Learn the Nursery Rhyme or a page from the book and perform it to your family.

Ideas to inspire you:

However, if this doesn’t appeal to you, then you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.

Please email your artwork to me:

Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!                                                                                                        

Mrs Pearson

Key Stage Two                                                                                                                     

 For your art challenge this week I would like you to do a piece of Artwork linked to a poem or book.  This could be a collage picture from Owl and the Pussycat, or a STREETART word from a war poem.  You may even design a new front cover for your favourite book. Let your fantastic imaginations go wild!                                                                                        

WOW! CHALLENGE: Read the poem or part of the book aloud to your family, using expression.

Ideas to inspire you:


However, if this doesn’t appeal to you, then you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.

Please email your artwork to me:

Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!

Mrs Pearson

Art Gallery by Louis Year 5

Here is another fantastic piece of art to add to Louis’s collection!


Wow!Just look at this terrific terracotta plant pot that Louis (Year 5) has carefully painted.  Once he has sealed it, he will put the cactus he has bought in it.  Bravo Louis and thanks for sharing!

Louis (Year 5) has been busy creating wonderful art over the last few weeks.  Unfortunately, there was a mix up with the emails and I have only just received his work.  So have a look at Louis’s Art Gallery:

Wow!  What a wonderful tribute to the NHS that Louis has made.  The message here is so important and his choice of colours are very eye-catching and draws you in.  Well done Louis.

I absolutely love this collage picture of a seahorse that Louis has created.  It is clear that he has taken his time, but it was worth it as the end result is spectacular.

Wow! This model of a WWII plane is amazing and the fact that Louis has combined it with a rainbow makes it very thought provoking.

Louis’s mum set him a real challenge this week! He had  to research the name of the painting that his mum gave him and find out who the artist was.  Amazing research Louis.
Thank you so much for sharing all these fantastic pieces of art with us Louis and I hope we see even more of your art on the blog soon!