Art Gallery Week Beginning 11/05/20

This beautiful aquarium has been created by Florence (Year R) using shells that she collected at the beach. This is simply stunning Florence and thank you for sharing!

Florence has also made this brilliant bird feeder, as she and her brother love to watch the birds.  Her mum said that the painting on the feeder reminded her of a Jackson Pollock painting and after looking up pictures on the internet, Florence agreed….and so do I.  Bravo Florence and thanks for sharing!

Oh my goodness!  Cian has been very creative this week and made his own slinky dog and I think is looks fabulous.  It is clear that he has spent a long time making this, but it was well worth it as the end result is stunning!  Great work Cian and thank you so much for sharing!

YUMMY! This rainbow cake, made by Olivia (Year 4) not only looks fantastic, but I’ve had it on good authority that it tasted fantastic too!  I’m writing this while having a coffee and wish I could put my hand through the screen and take a slice of the delicious looking cake.  Olivia then turned her talent from baking to dressmaking, as she created this terrific  tie dye T-shirt, as part of her topic on Hawaii. Wow! It is stunning! Bravo Olivia and thanks for sharing…the photos, but sadly not the cake!

Wow!  These stunning ‘works of art’ have been cleverly created by Felicity (Year 4) ….using SKITTLES!  I think it is absolutely amazing.  Felicity also time lapsed filmed it and I bet that looked awesome!  Great idea Felicity and thank you so much for sharing this with us!

Wow!  What an amazing dove that Alana (Year 4) has created as part of her RE homework this week.  The dove represents the gift of the Holy Spirit and is linked to Pentecost – the birthday of the church. The dove has been beautifully made by Alana and it looks very life like.  I also have to comment on her T-Shirt with has the slogan ‘Always be Yourself’ – what a brilliant message for us all. Thanks for sharing your dove and message with us Alana!

These two crafts have been created by Nethania (Year 4).  The top one is a drawing of a baby and looks very life like, while the bottom shows off her symmetry skills with this very intricate pattern on a paper plate. Brilliant work Nethania and thank you for sharing!

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