Who’s YOUR Superhero Art Gallery


 Mrs Moore has kindly shared this photo of her niece who works at Southampton General hospital in the ICU.  Do you recognise the picture that she is standing next to? Mrs Moore says, “I am so proud of both my nieces. This is Beverley and her sister Julia has just been made a Matron. I couldn’t be more proud of them and all the important work they are doing. Beverley looked at all the pictures on this Blog and said she was so impressed!” Thank you for sharing this photo Mrs Moore and please pass on our thanks to your wonderful nieces for all the incredible work they do…they are true SUPERHEROES to us all!

Max (Year 1) spent all week making this spectacular Spiderman piñata using paper-mâché, which took several layers of newspaper and several days to dry!! He then very carefully painted it and gave him some eyes!  Max says he is now  ready to buy some sweets and destroy his lovely creation 😂…..it seems a shame…but if you do Max then please send a photo!  Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

This amazing puppet created by Ruby (Year 4) is of her NHS superhero who is her great Auntie Julie. She’s a nurse at St Richards hospital and is working extremely hard to keep us all safe.  Thank you Ruby for sharing this …and thank you Auntie Julie for all the caring you do as a nurse.

What a fantastic picture by Eva (Year 2)…. Introducing Superbunny! He is an awesome superhero and goes around helping people and spreading good wishes.  In this picture he is  is fighting two villains: Virus and ButtonGirl, using his magic whiskers and eggs!  The world is a safer place thanks to Superbunny!  Bravo Eva and thanks for sharing Superbunny with us.

Pheobe (Year 3) has draw this amazing superhero poster, with an important message about saving lives.  Well done Pheobe!

Look at this fabulous tribute to the NHS created by Alfie (Year 5).  The symbol of the rainbow is one of hope and the message to ‘stay safe’ is an important one.  Well done Alfie – thanks for sharing!  PS Happy birthday!

William (Year 3) has made this fantastic  poster to give thanks to his heroes at the NHS.  The black background and the bright colours make the overall effect very effective. Simply stunning William –  thanks for sharing!


Hattie (Year 2) wanted to pay tribute to her nanny, who is also a nurse.  Hattie thinks she does a fantastic job as a nurse…and a nanny, so is a true hero!  Thank you for sharing this with us Hattie!



Benji (Year 5) has turn this week’s challenge on it’s head and created an antihero!  He doesn’t look very friendly and in fact has a very menacing look about him.  All in all, this is a great example of an opposite picture.  Thanks for challenging us Benji by sharing this with us.


This is a fantastic superhero that Darcy (Year 1) has created…from her own imagination!  This is what she says, “I made my superhero, it’s a dream girl superhero that helps make all your good dreams come true and all your bad dreams disappear. Dream girl can also make your worries disappear!”  Wow! What a fantastic idea Darcy….I LOVE this…thank you so much for it with us all.


Jonah (Year 3) always does amazing art projects and this one is no exception.  One of the brilliant things about Jonah is that he researches a topic before doing any art linked to it.  These photos speak for themselves and show his learning journey.  This is what his mum told me. “Jonah thought about a superhero as someone he thinks is amazing and who he would want to be like.  He chose Leonardo Da Vinci because of his amazing inventions. Jonah never stops building things at home. We looked a different ways of creating art for this but predictably, Bansky won hands down,”  Fabulous work Jonah – thank you so much for sharing this with us and I’m sure you will inspire others to see Da Vinci as a hero too!

Fern (Year 5) has painted this beautiful rainbow to pay tribute to all the nurses who work for the NHS, as these are her heroes.  As you can see, Fern has dressed her doll in a nurses’ uniform and the whole image is very effective. Well done Fern and thanks for sharing!


Evelyn’s (Year R) drawing for the superhero art challenge is of her mum.  Evelyn and her Daddy talked about heroes and how they help other and do good around their community.  Evelyn came to her own conclusion that her mum was a hero because she has been delivering weekly food shops to her own elderly parents who live far away and who have been unable to get deliveries themselves. As you can see from this excellent drawing by Evelyn, here they are in ‘The Hero Car’ delivering the food and staying in the car. After Evelyn and her Dad spoke about the idea Evelyn  got on with  the drawing on her own and has done a fantastic job.  Great work Evelyn and thank you so much for sharing!


What a wonderful drawing of his dad that Noah (Year 4) has done. As you can see his dad is a policeman and Noah is rightly proud of him as he is such a good role model to Noah and many other people.  Well done and thanks for sharing!

I LOVE this picture by Phoebe (Year 1), which is of her mum who is her hero.  I love the way she has painted it so carefully and included three rainbow.  It is clear that your mummy is very special to you Phoebe… Thank you so much for sharing this with us!


My Superhero ….My Mum!

Isabeau (Year 3) has done this wonderful picture of her mum, who is a real superhero.  Isabeau write, My superhero is my mum because she is so helpful and will do anything to make me smile. 🙂 I love you mummy.  What lovely words and a lovely picture.  Thanks for sharing this with us Isabeau.

Humphrey (Year 1) has chosen to draw the Avengers as his superheroes.  He has included Thor and Loki, two heroes that strive to make the world a better place.  Great work Humphrey and thanks for sharing!


This is a sensational picture which is a fitting tribute to a true hero…Hattie’s mum. Not only does Hattie’s mum do all the jobs a mummy does, but she is also a nurse, working extremely hard for the NHS and keeping patients safe and well. Wow!  What an incredible lady!  Thank you Hattie (Year 3) for sharing this with us and thank you mum for everything you do!



Oh my goodness – what an absolutely amazing picture by Ann (Year 6), which pays tribute to her fantastic dad…her hero! She has  drawn him wearing his favourite jumper and even though his job keeps him very busy he still has time to do the shopping…what a true hero!  Ann, your drawing skill are fabulous – thank you for sharing this with us.

Wow! This is a brilliant poster that conveys a clear, direct message about the heroes of the NHS and the enemy that they are trying to defeat ‘coronavirus’. The artist who created this poster is Esther (Year 6) and she has done a marvellous job. Congratulations Esther and thanks for sharing!

This is a super drawing, by Sihanua (Year 6), which pays tribute to the fantastic work undertaken by our NHS workers.  They are all true ‘Superheroes’thanks Sihanua for sharing this!

Alexander (Year 1) has done an amazing drawing of his Superhero Robin – Batman’s sidekick. Alexander says,”He is his favourite hero because he is bright coloured, uses his brain to help other people and he is a good team player.” I couldn’t agree more Alexander – good choice of hero and thanks for sharing this with us.

This is Brayden’s (Year 3) drawing of his Superhero ‘Dreamer’. Well done Brayden and thanks for sharing.

These brothers have work hard on their superheroes this week.  They all started by drawing a  zentangle background with their superhero in the middle. Dillon (Year 1) followed a tutorial online on how to draw a Lego man. He decided on a policeman for his superhero for keeping us safe. Conor  (Year 4) decided that a cleaner in the hospitals was his superhero. Meanwhile Kian (Year 6) made a new superhero called Catman, who  fights crime.  Fabulous work boys – thank you for sharing!

                                                                          OUR DAD IS OUR HERO!                                                                             

This is what Islwyn (Year 6)  and Mostyn (Year 3) have written: “We have enjoyed drawing superhero pictures. We decided to draw our Daddy as we think he is a ‘covid-19 hero’. He is a key worker, as an Asda manager. He has also set up a group called ‘Hopfield Helpers’, where people can get in contact if they need help. He is currently shopping for 4 other households after his has finished his shift. We are helping to deliver some of the shopping. He is also still running weekly virtual Cub meetings. He is very busy!” Wow! Well I can see why your dad is your hero boys.  Thank you so much for sharing this!

Taylor Year 5) always thinks very creatively with his art challenges and he has done it again with this superhero poster. This is what he says about his artwork. “My Superhero NHS worker is fighting Corona Virus. There is a large eye looking through the window to show that although they are small, they can achieve big things like a traditional Superhero. They are fighting the virus which is a punch bag.”  This is an amazing concept that has been extremely well executed.  Congratulation Taylor on a fantastic picture and thank you so much for sharing this with us.

What a super painting by Amelia (Year 1) to show her hero..SUPERMAN!  Look how she has taken her time to carefully paint it and not mix the colours. She likes his superpower of flying and would like this superpower…so would I Amelia, as there are lots of places that I would love to visit.  Great painting and thanks for sharing!

This beautifully drawn poster by Calin (Year 4) gives thanks to all the NHS workers.  He has also included the rainbow…the symbol of hope.  Well done Calin and thanks for sharing!

What a lovely detailed poster that Ben (Year 3) has created to celebrate the heroes at the NHS. He says, “I like the colours and bubble writing. I included the NHS logo. The doctor is wearing his blue scrubs and his mask to protect him and the patient getting Coronavirus.” Well done Ben and thanks for sharing this with us.

I LOVE this trio of superheroes that Evan (Year 3) has created.  Spiderman, Batman and Superman are a formidable force and have been made carefully and precisely, by Evan, and they look absolutely stunning!  Brilliant work Evan and thanks for sharing.

This gave me goosebumps when I first read it….introducing Edward Brown, who is Matthew’s (Year 6) superhero. It is just a shame that he is fictitious.  However, hopefully there is a real Edward Brown out there.  Brilliant imagination Matthew and thank you so much for sharing this with us!

Here is Caelan’s (Year 1) artwork for Superhero theme. He has drawn some of his favourite Superheroes; Ironman, Hulk, Spider-Man and Captain America. Caelan is a huge fan of Marvel. He has also included a rainbow in his picture, as a thank you to our NHS heroes. He created his artwork on his rainbow scratch pad, which is done with a plastic tool to scratch the black and reveal the colours. It looks amazing Caelan.  Thank you for sharing this with us all!

This is simply amazing!  Sophia (Year 4) has taken her inspiration from Banksy and created her own ‘Banksy style story’.  It tells the tale of a boy who changed from always playing with traditional action figures changing his mind and realising that the real super heroes are the doctors, so he goes and buys two Doctor figures to play with instead.  That’s a really impressive story with a lovely message, made all the more special because of the fabulous art that accompanies it. Bravo Sophia and thank you so very much for sharing this with us.  You may inspire other children to play with NHS action figures too!

This is a wonderful poster that Aaron (Year 3) has made to say thank you to his heroes.. the NHS workers. What a bright and colourful poster Aaron.  Thanks for sharing this!

Christina (Year R)

Emma (Year 4)

Eva (Year 5)


This lovely family are paying tribute to their heroes…the NHS workers and in particular THEIR DADDY! As you can see, they have each done their own pictures linked to the NHS.  Christina has made the ‘S’ into the Superman logo and it looks super!  Emma has created a superhero Doctor, which is her dad, who is flying around helping people and she has done some brilliant writing about her dad too. While Eva has done a fantastic drawing of a Dr in full PPE keeping himself and others safe.  Wow! What a wonderful representation of the NHS and how fab that their dad is their HERO! Thank you so much girls for sharing this with us…and thank you dad for all your hard work!

Wow! I LOVE this Wonder Woman made by Alana (Year 4).   She has done a really fabulous job and has got every detail spot on. Alana  chose Wonder Woman because she is a female hero who shows strength and intelligence…. and also she can beat the male villains! I couldn’t agree more Alana and thank you for sharing this with us!

What a wonderful superhero that Johan (Year 3) has chosen to share with us.  Jesus is an ultimate hero for us all… and Johan what a fantastic picture you have done to illustrate it.  Thanks for sharing this with you Johan!

Wow!  Caitlin (Year 3) has just sent me another awesome picture which is celebrating the work of her heroes the NHS and how clever to have take a photo of it on her tablet and add in the rainbow…the symbol of hope! Bravo Caitlin!

These two sisters have done these wonderful pictures to celebrate their heroes…the NHS! Mikayla (Year 5) and Caitlin (Year 3) have used both traditional drawing techniques alongside drawing pictures on their tablets.  Amazing work girls and thank you so much for sharing your drawings with us!



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