Art Gallery Week Beginning 06/04/20

On here I will post all the lovely art work you send me that isn’t linked to the Holy Week and Easter challenge.

I love these crafts by Phoebe (Year 3).  As you can see she has made a monster with big bulging eyes and eyelashes. She has also created this tree house and 2 bedrooms flat with a dining table and chairs in the corner, a kitchen and beds.  I think we may have a budding interior designer here!  Thanks for sharing Phoebe!

Wow!  Look at these amazing crafts created by Jasmine (Year 3).  As you can see she has kept herself busy making this person with a paper plate – I love the eyelashes, a brilliant bumble bee and a fantastic elephant with a collage of animal prints.  Great work Jasmine and thanks for sharing!

Goodness me!  This pair of brothers have been busy!  They have worked together as a team to make and then paint this fabulous castle!  It is truly a work of art.  I know it took them a long time, but it was well worth it as they have produced something that not only looks amazing, but they can play with too.  In fact, I know that they have been playing with their toy soldiers in it – how brilliant is that!  Thanks for sharing this with us boys!

Wow! I love this Chinese Dragon plate that was created by Sophia (Year 3).  She drew a Chinese Dragon on a paper plate, then  coloured it in different colours. Then she painted the outside bright red. Sophia said it was really fun and a bit complicated, but I’m so glad she persevered because the result is stunning! Thank you for sharing this with us!

Maisie(Year 1) has made this wonderful  walrus out of silver paper plates she had left over from her party. It looks fantastic – well done Maisie!

Wow! Look at this wonderful Easter picture made by Isabella (Year 1).  I love the way the bunnies are hopping over the carrots! Thank you for sharing this Isabella!

This beautiful picture and prayer has been created by Fia (Year 1).  The prayer reads ‘God Please help  people from the coronavirus . Stay at home and safe. Wash your hands.’  What a very thoughtful prayer Fia – thanks for sharing!

These paper plate creations have been made by Islwyn and Mostyn.  Islwyn made a Brazilian inspired plate, while Mostyn has made a Chinese plate and fan.  These are both incredible and look fantastic Well done boys and thanks for sharing!

Wow! These fantastic polar bears have been created by Max (Year 1) and Kiean (Year R).  These two brothers have carefully stuck cotton wool balls on their paper plates to make these cute polar bears.  Thank you for sharing these boys!

Look at Max busy creating this fabulous castle inspired by the art work of Paul Klee.  It is clear that Max has taken his time and worked very patiently and it was worth the effort because the end result is simply stunning.  Well done Max!

Goodness me look how busy Caelan (Year 1)  and his younger sister Phoenix have been, building and painting these brilliant bird boxes.  Their daddy has varnished them and put them up on their little house in the garden. They are hoping some little birds will nest in them.  I hope they will let us know if they getting any little visitors. Well done Caelan and Phoenix…oh not forgetting their daddy too!


Wow!  Look at this amazing sword and shield made by Evan (Year 3) a part of his Romans topic.  As you can see, he has made it life size and has carefully painted it with bright bold colours.  Thank you for sharing this Evan!

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