The Art Gallery week beginning 23/03/20
Look at the fabulous pictures created by Sophie (Year 4). The leaves on the tree were made by Sophie putting blobs of paint on her branches and using a dry brush to spread out, that’s a great technique and very effective. The other two were made using pastels.
Thank you for sharing these Sophie, I’m looking forward to seeing more from you and other art work from the children at St Peter’s.
A wonderful and colourful creation by Seren (Year 6)
Fantastic art work by Ava and Daniel Dawson
Benji (Year 5) has done an incredible drawing of Carl Fredricksen from the film Up! Amazing work Benji.
Look at this huge, amazing dice made by Alana Do’urden, with each face is a different colour and pattern. The family then used the dice to play Pig and made up a couple of their own garden games too. How wonderful, I bet it was lots of fun… and the sun was shining too!
This is a brilliant beach scene created by Monique using pastels and stencils. I love the way she has blended the colours. Thank you for sharing this Monique.
George is concentrating while doing silhouette work with pastels and gel pen and as you can see the result is simply stunning!
William has tried his hand at needle felting for the first time and I’m sure you will agree that this chick is so cute. Well done William.
Look at these fabulous creations by Nell – I would love to turn the picture on the left into wallpaper and I think the 3D flowers are amazing. Thanks for sharing Nell.
This talented family have been learning the new skill of Macrame. Their mum has been teaching them and as you can see from the results she has done a great job showing them what to do. Well done to you all!
I love these clever pictures from Benji (Year 5) I had to look really closely to see that it was the same picture just opened up – what a great idea! I may ‘magpie’ this idea for school!

Remember to email your artwork to me.
The Pearson Family – Fun with Foil – which is the best?
We had fun making different things out of tin foil. We can be competitive as a family, so please let us know which one is your favourite.
Let’s see your creations too… please email them to me, with your name and who in your family created them and I’ll share them on the blog.
Happy crafting
Mrs Pearson
Home Learning – Fun with Foil
Hello and welcome to the first Home Learning Art Blog.
Over the coming weeks there will be an opportunity for you to participate in a range of Art activities. These can be done individually, with older or younger siblings, or indeed as a whole family. Please do email me a picture of your creations and I will upload it onto the Art Blog, so that the whole of the St Peter’s community can admire your creativity.
To get you started over the next few days, I challenge you to have ‘Fun with Foil’. See what you can create using this accessible and versatile material. Pictures using string and tin foil, people. animals, fish, trees or jewellery are just a few ideas, but I’m sure you will impress me with your inventiveness! Pintrest is always a good place to look.
In addition to this, if you do anything else ‘Arty’ at home please send me a photo of that as well so that I can share that on the Art Blog too.
Have fun and keep safe and well.
Mrs Pearson
To make a Sharpie tinfoil pendant: (Great Mother’s Day gift!)
1) Cut a small circle from an old cereal box.
2) Cut a slightly bigger circle from tin foil.
3) Draw a simple design on the cardboard, cover the outline of the design with glue and string, and set it aside to dry.
4) Cover the dull side of the tin foil with a glue stick, wrap the tin foil around the cardboard containing the design, and secure the tinfoil with a piece of tape on the backside of the pendant.
5) Rub the tinfoil on the front of the pendant with a piece of felt or old cloth to help the string design show through.
6) Colour the design with Sharpies, and allow to dry.
7) Punch a hole in the top of the pendant, and string or a chain.
Tin foil people – there are a range of videos on You tube to help you make the basic person – Years 4 and 5 have done this with me.
I can’t wait to see what you create!
Year One – Teddy Bears
It was the turn of Turtle class to learn about how teddy bears got their name and to the draw them, choosing whether to use pencil, chalk or a combination of them both.
They are all so cute that I can’t choose a favourite….can you?
Year 4 Creation Circles
For their Art lesson this week, Year 4 focused on the Creation story and thought of a ‘creative’ way to show it through art. The made Creation circles with each segment depicting a different day of creation.
I love the way the children used different ways to tell the same story.
Year One Prayer Mats
During their Art lesson the children were looking at art in other faiths. They learnt that Muslims use prayer mats and pray five times a day.
The children then created their own colourful prayer mats using felt tip pens and tissue paper.
I think they look beautiful – don’t you agree?
Year 3 – Hanamatsuri
Year Three children have been learning about festivals celebrated in other faiths.
During their art lesson this week they learnt about the Buddhist festival, Hanamatsuri. This Japanese flower festival celebrates the birthday of the Buddha Shakyamuni’s born in 565 AD. The flowers commemorate the Buddha’s birth in a garden.
The children then created their colourful gardens for the festival.
Home Learning
It’s always lovely to see the children apply the skills that they have been taught in their own Art work at home.
Emily was practising her Street Art at home after learning about the artist Banksy.
Here are some lovely examples of drawing done by Liberty and Amelie
Lilly made a ceramic tile, while learning about Space.
Well done girls and keep up the fabulous drawing and painting.
Year 5 Aliens are out of this world!
The children in Year 5 have been learning about space. During our Art lesson we drew Aliens and then made them out of Model Magic, which is a fantastic clay to use because you can paint it or colour it with felt tip pens. While the children were creating their aliens we listen to Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds.
The aliens the children created are absolutely fantastic… don’t you agree?
Year 6 – The Scream
During their art lessons, Year 6 have been learning about the artist Edvard Munch and in particular is painting ‘The Scream’
The children then used chalk and oil pastels to do their own interpretation of this masterpiece, along with some very dramatic ‘scream poses’!
I can’t decide which of these is my favourite….can you?