The Art Gallery week beginning 23/03/20

Look at the fabulous pictures created by Sophie (Year 4).  The leaves on the tree were made by Sophie putting blobs of paint on her branches and using a dry brush to spread out, that’s a great technique and very effective.  The other two were made using pastels.

Thank you for sharing these Sophie, I’m looking forward to seeing more from you and other art work from the children at St Peter’s.

A wonderful and  colourful creation by Seren (Year 6)

Fantastic art work by Ava and Daniel Dawson

Benji (Year 5) has done an incredible drawing of Carl Fredricksen  from the film Up!  Amazing work Benji.

Look at this huge, amazing dice made by Alana  Do’urden, with each face is a different colour and pattern. The family then used the dice to play Pig and made up a couple of their own garden games too. How wonderful, I bet it was lots of fun… and the sun was shining too!

This is a brilliant beach scene created by Monique using pastels and stencils.  I love the way she has blended the colours.  Thank you for sharing this Monique.









George  is concentrating  while doing silhouette work with pastels and gel pen and as you can see the result is simply stunning!

William has tried his hand at needle felting for the first time and I’m sure you will agree that this chick is so cute.  Well done William.

Look at these fabulous creations by Nell – I would love to turn the picture on the left into wallpaper and I think the 3D flowers are amazing.  Thanks for sharing Nell.

This talented family have been learning the new skill of Macrame.  Their mum has been teaching them and as you can see from the results she has done a great job showing them what to do.  Well done to you all!


I love these clever pictures from Benji (Year 5) I had to look really closely to see that it was the same picture just opened up – what a great idea! I may ‘magpie’ this idea for school!

 Josh and Oliver created this picture that they did together of the Pokemon,  Charizard. It looks like they have put a lot of time and effort into colouring it in so carefully.  Fantastic effort  boys and a stunning result!
Oliver then went on to draw and colour these fabulous dinosaurs. .. they are both fantastic and it’s hard for me to choose a favourite.  Thank you for sharing these with us.
Oh my goodness!  Sofia has been so creative this week!  Today she has been working on the castle for her topic at school and it is coming along very nicely.  It’s lovely to see her being creative while enjoying the glorious weather.  Let’s hope Sofia sends us more photos so we can admire her progress.
It was Monique’s birthday yesterday and although Sihanua  couldn’t see her,  she didn’t want her friend to miss out so made her a card and sent it to me to post on here.  What a very thoughtful and kind gesture and when Monique eventually gets the card I know she will treasure it.
This stunning sunset has been created by Fern(Year 5).  I love the way she has blended the colours and that you can see the light and shade.  Fantastic work Fern!
Wow!  Look at this stunning stained glass window created by Cian (Year 4). He has done all the painting himself, but his Mum did help with the lead/tape.  His idea of doing this  lead glass window was he felt that when people walked pass the house they would see it and know that God was watching over us all while everybody has to stay indoors to stay safe.
What a fabulous window Cian, I can see you have put a great deal of time and effort into this project and the result is fantastic!
Mason (Year 1) has created his very own ‘Spring Vision’, which is amazing.  Love the way he has used natural materials to make this fantastic picture.  It really makes me feel like the beauty of spring is all around us.


Remember to email your artwork to me.



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