Home Learning – Fun with Foil

Hello and welcome to the first Home Learning Art Blog. 

Over the coming weeks there will be an opportunity for you to participate in a range of Art activities. These can be done individually, with older or younger siblings, or indeed as a whole family.  Please do email me a picture of your creations and I will upload it onto the Art Blog, so that the whole of the St Peter’s community can admire your creativity.

To get you started over the next few days, I challenge you to have ‘Fun with Foil’.  See what you can create using this accessible and versatile material. Pictures using string and tin foil, people. animals,  fish,  trees or jewellery are just a few ideas,  but I’m sure you will impress me with your inventiveness! Pintrest is always a good place to look.

In addition to this, if you do anything else  ‘Arty’ at home please send me a photo of that as well so that I can share that on the Art Blog too.

Have fun and keep safe and well.

 Mrs Pearson


To make a Sharpie tinfoil pendant: (Great Mother’s Day gift!)

1) Cut a small circle from an old cereal box.

2) Cut a slightly bigger circle from tin foil.

3) Draw a simple design on the cardboard, cover the outline of the design with glue and string, and set it aside to dry.

4) Cover the dull side of the tin foil with a glue stick, wrap the tin foil around the cardboard containing the design, and secure the tinfoil with a piece of tape on the backside of the pendant.

5) Rub the tinfoil on the front of the pendant with a piece of felt or old cloth to help the string design show through.

6) Colour the design with Sharpies, and allow to dry.

7) Punch a hole in the top of the pendant, and string or a chain.

Tin foil people – there are a range of videos on You tube to help you make the basic person – Years 4 and 5 have done this with me.

I can’t wait to see what you create!

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